Satin Bird Optimizer for Economic Dispatch problem

Version 1.0 (4.21 KB) by praveen kumar
Satin birds is a small peculiar bird which lays only one egg and take cares of young one until it can sustain.
Updated 10 Jan 2024

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A new algorithm(SBO) which is tested on economic dispatch problem.Algorithm parameter can still be tuned to get global optimum.Satin bird is peculiar specius of small bird which lays only a single egg and like a caring single mother takes care of chick by feeding with nutrious food and protects it from predators with well designed nest.Since it is weak bird it plans well to predicts the problems that the chick may face in future and guides it well so that the chick is taken care by the mother bird without the help of male bird.

Cite As

praveen kumar (2024). Satin Bird Optimizer for Economic Dispatch problem (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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