Brown-bear Optimization Algorithm for Economic Dispatch

Version 1.0 (4.13 KB) by praveen kumar
This program solves ED problem considering Valve point loading and loss by BOA
Updated 19 Jan 2024

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In this chapter, a novel optimizer named as Brown-Bear Optimization Algorithm (BOA) based on the mode of communication between brown-bears featuring pedal scent marking and sniffing behaviors is introduced to solve the Economic Dispatch Problem (EDP) which is an important problem of optimal operation of power system. Pedal scent marking behavior of bears, which is a fundamental mode of communication between them, is characterized by different features such as maintaining a characteristic gait while walking, careful stepping on the pedal marks and twisting of feet on depressions made on ground Sniffing behavior found in them further strengthens their communication. The mathematical model featuring the aforementioned behaviors of bears is developed to form BOA. The algorithm maintains a balance between exploration and exploitation and is free from algorithm-specific parameters. To examine the performance of BOA, it is applied to solve several benchmark tests functions of different complexities.A test system comprising of 6 generators with valve point loading and loss is considered.

Cite As

praveen kumar (2024). Brown-bear Optimization Algorithm for Economic Dispatch (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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