
Test if any circles intersect with, fall on, are within another circle, or optionally are tangent to any circles.
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Updated 25 Apr 2024

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This function tests to see if any circles in the supplied set of circles intersect with, fall on, are within another circle, or optionally are tangent to any circles.
The input variable circs is an n x 3 matrix, corresponding to n circles. Here each row of the matrix contains an ordered triple of values that serves to define each circle.
The 1st value is the x coordinate of the centre of the circle.
The 2nd value is the y coordinate of the centre of the circle.
The 3rd value is the radius of the circle.
The argument called option is an optional argument. If it is equal to True or "tangency", then a test for tangency of circles will also be carried out. If option is omitted, empty [], or equal to False, then the test for tangency of circles will be skipped.
If circinoninter() is called without any arguments, then an example test case will be run and the results provided.
This function returns [] if none of the test conditions are satisfied.
If one or more conditions are satisfied, a multi-row 2-column matrix is returned, where each row contains the index numbers of the two circles in question.
circs = [1,1,1; 1,4,1; 1,5,2];
inoninter = circinoninter(circs);
option = "tangency";
inoninter = circinoninter(circs,option);

Cite As

Witold Waldman (2024). circinoninter (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2024a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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