Download Yahoo Finance Stock Data GUI

Friendly GUI for download historical stocks prices from Yahoo Finance
Updated 3 Apr 2018

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This file is a friendly GUI for download historical stock prices from Yahoo Finance using the file
"hist-stock_data.m" created by Josiah Renfree.
You need to download Josiah Renfree's file so you can use this GUI. You can download it from
the Matlab file exchange using this link:
This GUI is scalable, so you can add as much boxes as stock tickers data you need. Just open
the .doc file so you can know where and what do you have to edit.

Cite As

Fernando Esteves (2024). Download Yahoo Finance Stock Data GUI (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2017a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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