
For lists of corresponding x,y points this function calculates the center of rotation and angle which warps the first to the second
Updated 23 Sep 2021

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For two lists of corresponding x,y points this function calculates
the center of rotation and rotation-angle, which warps the first list of x,y
points to the x,y points found in the second list.
[rot_point_xy,rot_angle] = find_center_of_rotation(xa,ya,xb,yb);
[rot_point_xy,rot_angle] = find_center_of_rotation(xa,ya,xb,yb, rot_angle_estimate)
xa,ya : the first list of x,y coordinates
xb,yb : the second list of x,y coordinates, with each point
corresponding ot the point in the first list (but warped)
rot_angle_estimate : Estimate of the rotation angle between both list
of corresponding points
rot_point_xy : The x and y position of the centre of rotation
rot_angle : The rotation angle which warps the points [xa,ya] to [xb,yb]
Method is based on least squares optimization incombination of the
rotation point, and newton optimization of the rotation angle

Cite As

Dirk-Jan Kroon (2024). find_center_of_rotation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2019a
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