How can i get exact data from a figure?
Here is the fit model computed using your data: D = [0 0 93.07876 0.224404 186.1575 ...

11 months ago | 0

Warning: Negative data ignored
Note that log() of a negative number can't be plotted that is correct. If you want to show their abs values in different color, ...

11 months ago | 0

How can i get exact data from a figure?
Obtain data from the existign MATLAB figure, e.g.: open('Exercise_1.fig') xd = get(get(gca,'children'),'xdata'); % Obtain xda...

11 months ago | 0

creating nodes on an axis normal to a plane
Is this what you are looking for: center = [-24.3053980118084 -192.105601596377 -203.317238506250]; N = [-23.657031035515...

11 months ago | 0

what training and tools do I need to display RF Propagation coverage on a map
These are the points to consider. To display the RF proposation coverage from an antenna on a 3D map using the Mapping Toolbox t...

11 months ago | 0

Exporting Simulink Scope Results to Excel
Did you remove the tick mark from Limit data points to last: 5000

11 months ago | 1

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How to save row vector or cell array in a Table?
Here is a couple of ways to convert row vector into a table and cell array, e.g.: numRows = 200; numVars = 2; rowvector = ran...

11 months ago | 0

Best way to calculate color difference score
Here are a few points to consider: Your approach of converting the RGB values to the LAB colorspace and computing the deltaE be...

11 months ago | 0

e^x maclaurin serie
A function can be written to compute Mclaurin series approximation, e.g.: % E.g.: approximation of exp(x) at x = pi x = pi; ...

11 months ago | 0

Find the solution of the coupled system of equations
The accepted answer is NOT the least squares method as mentioned in the question itself. F11 = 0.86; F12 = -2.3; F21 = 6.8; ...

11 months ago | 0

Create a 4D array from 3D array with 3 columns, and 1D (row only) array with 3 columns
If understood correctly, this is what you are trying to get, e.g.: rng(13) % for reproducibility A = rand(5, 3); size...

11 months ago | 0

Find the solution of the coupled system of equations
Applying the LS method for solving such systems is relatively straight forward, e.g.: b1 = 3x + 2y-3z b2 = 2x-y+5z b3 = -3x+6...

11 months ago | 0

I have been working on 50 non linear differential equation with fsolve but it always give me this answer please help how can i solve this problem
There are a couple of points to consider. (1) if fsolve() has to be used, then fsolve()'s options need to be set up to perform...

11 months ago | 0

induction motor response not satisfying
At 1st, the smoothed torque profile (curve) is not smooth enough, and it does show consideable rattling that need to be removed ...

11 months ago | 0

Where can I find video files with the avi extension ?
If you want to find out what .avi files are resiging in a specific directory/folder, then this is how to do it: Folder = '\OneD...

11 months ago | 0

How do I create a copy command, after I create Simulink?
There are a few options to share your model with your colelague/friend. One option is using packaging your project. Step 0. Cr...

11 months ago | 0

How to get a colorbar to show only a specified range of values?
Use caxis() command. E.g.: % Create a data set: D = rand(200, 200) * 1e5 + 10; % Visualize the data set: imagesc(D) % A...

11 months ago | 0

Pulling in data exported from the Data Inspector into another model
There are a few options that can be used to store simulation data from a Simulink model: (1) [To File] to store data in .mat fi...

11 months ago | 0

Where can I find the 'b747.jpg' image
Note that starting in Jan 2022, MATLAB/Simulink toolboxes don't come with a builtin stock images including B747.jpg. Therefore, ...

11 months ago | 0

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Which block should be used for numel function in simulink?
I don't know if there is any Simulink block for numel() or size(), which are handled in Simulink automatically. In your execise ...

11 months ago | 0

How can I alter the MarkerSize of a plot on MATLAB Onramp?
The answer is: hold on x = lambdaHa; y = sHa; plot(x, y, "rs", "MarkerSize", 8)

12 months ago | 0

How can I convert cell array to an arrary matrix?
This is how it can be attained: A = load('cell_array.mat').ans; for ii = 1:numel(A) H = A{ii}; K{ii} = cat(1, H(:)')...

12 months ago | 1

3D balloon plot
WHat you are trying to generate is a surf() or mesh() type of 3D plot using your data. If so, here is a nice soulition proposed ...

12 months ago | 0

How to make simulink model for smart battery pack?
There are a number of nice sources how to model battery packs and their management in Simulink. E.g.: (1) https://www.mathworks...

12 months ago | 0

How do I return the indexed values unsorted, in the original order in which they appear in a vector?
Understood your question correctly, this is what you are trying to achieve: radius_gl = readmatrix('D_GAMT.txt'); % Copied you...

12 months ago | 0

How to vectorize the given code?
One quick comment is that xe and xo have the same values and therefore, the error is "0". u=[1 2 40 70];b=u; [~,C]=size(b); P...

12 months ago | 0

Plotting inequalities on the complex plane
Is that what you are trying to attain: % Grid size: N = 100; % Defined grid in X and Y planes: [X, Y] = meshgrid(linspace(...

12 months ago | 1

Help on Noise Power
If understood correctly, what you are trying to attain is to generate a few different noise powers from the given signal. If so,...

12 months ago | 0

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Handwritten number recognition app
Have tried this APP published in MATHWORKS:

12 months ago | 0

My output text file continues to have a delimiter. How do I change this in my code?
Hi Jonathon, Your code is working as it should :). ... % One delimeter is put here and therefore, it is outputting one empt...

12 months ago | 0

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