Converting a three-column set of data to xyf matrix suitable for a contour plot
hello see example below, the x,y,z are dummy data - use your own data instead % create somme dummy data z = peaks(20); ...

3 months ago | 0

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How to interpolate and smooth across values in a matrix, while ignoring NaN values?
hello just for your information, if you have a recent matlab release you could use fillmissing2 function scan = [0.3 0.4 0....

3 months ago | 0

How to find the distance between two points along a curve?
hello try this th = linspace(-pi/2, pi/2, 100); R = 200; X = R * sin(th) ; % X-coordinates Y = R * cos(th) ; % Y-coordi...

3 months ago | 1

Get the Isocline from a know levelset plot (Contours) and the function output (Height)
here a demo if you have one isocline , here I assumed we want only the outer portion (there could be also an inner isocline at s...

3 months ago | 0

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How to avoid the overshoot in Jiles Atherton hysteresis loop
hello I am just trying to remove the spikes (with filloutiers) and further smooth the curve with a touch of smoothdata look a...

3 months ago | 0

Find intersections of two sin wave function
hello why not using this function available from Fex : Fast and Robust Curve Intersections - File Exchange - MATLAB Central ...

3 months ago | 0

Need to record multiple arrays within a while loop
indexing is what you need clear, clc year=0; salary=60000; poverty=19720; protected=poverty*2.25; while year<20 k = ...

3 months ago | 0

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How to do 'cos' curve fitting for data obtained.
hello you can do a cos/sin series approximation , using this simple code : here I opted for 6 terms : x_axis = [linspace(0...

3 months ago | 0

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how to plot the fundamental harmonic wave from given Data
@Abdullah hello here you have 4 periods of signal for theta range of 2pi , so order = 4 load('FluxDensity.mat') %%%%%%%%%%...

3 months ago | 0

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Create contour plot from scatter plot
hello sure you can do that notice that I needed to create lot of levels to display the outer contour line because your z dat...

3 months ago | 0

How to read all the files in a folder based on file name?
hello you can do a for loop to load all your files I am not sure what your issue is, but if it's how to make sure to load fi...

3 months ago | 0

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How can I plot the complete two circles vertical not horizontal ?
hello either you swap x and y data in your plot calls , or use view : figure(1),plot(sin((0:0.1:3*pi))) legend('original da...

3 months ago | 0

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How do I interpolate and smoothen ndvi time series?
hello so I simply replace the 8th column with NaN and replaced them using fillmissing2 data = readtable('sample_ndvi.csv'); ...

3 months ago | 0

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Error using tsa function - Error using matlab.internal.math.interp1 Sample points must be unique.
hehe there is only one difference between the two mat files , but it was enough to create the issue >> load('TSA_DATA_OLD.mat...

3 months ago | 1

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Blend two bezier curve using partition of unity property while ensuring interpolation
hello seems to me there is a simple solution to your problem - simply combine x,y data of both curves and use unique to remove...

3 months ago | 1

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How can I smooth this data before assigning a spline to it?
hello you could do this just using basic interpolation (in log scale) and the regular smoothdata (use your own spline smoo...

3 months ago | 0

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How to plot an Implicit function with certain conditions
hello @Shai Zipori I have to say I don't do much with implicit function problems , tried using fsolve and fminbnd but was lacki...

3 months ago | 2

How to turn S11 to time domain by Matlab
hello again I am mot sure to understand the shape of the impulse response from your S11_time.txt file : why only two positive...

3 months ago | 0

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Interpolation using data from excel sheet
hello I interpreted your request as : pick one month (from 1 to 12) then define whatever latitude query , and do the interpola...

3 months ago | 0

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Plotting a faired curve through a data set that curves in on itself
hello experimental airfoil data can exibit some randomness especially at high angle of attack (stall) we usually prefer to s...

3 months ago | 0

Hi, i want to plot two columns of values of data from excel, the graph includes a zero while the excel sheet doesn't. Here is my code and the graph I got vs what I should get
hello again so your arrays contains 0 after row 22 til the end, that's why your plot goes back to the origin point (this was a...

3 months ago | 0

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How can I get more divisions in x- and y- axes scaling when plotting with imagesc to have a clear picture and introduce the proper scaling along x- & y- axes?
hello simply specify the number of points when you call linspace here I introduced N = 500 (N = 100 by default) N = 500; [x...

3 months ago | 0

Clean noisy data from images
hello this is a simple exponential fit using polyfit I had to do a bit of manual tweaks first to slect the appropriate data ...

3 months ago | 0

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Fit gaussian to X-Y data (one X column, multiple Y column), for each Y column from an excel file.
coming late in the show try this ... if your data is "good" you can this this result , otherwise the fit may not allow any F...

4 months ago | 1

draw the amplitude-frequency characteristic curve of a particular transfer function
Simply used your info and coded in matlab you have now here the right half of the plot , if you need both negative and positiv...

4 months ago | 0

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How to fix my linear fit model?
yet another simple solution, using fminsearch (the no toolbox solution) % data laser = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16...

4 months ago | 1

How to fix my linear fit model?
hello simply change your equation for the second part with a x shift rajaarvo = @(I) 0.1*I.*(I>=0 & I<18)+25*I.*(I>=18 & I<=...

4 months ago | 1

Plot change in velocity
hello again we could use gradient or the function provided below then all vectors are of same size (101 samples) which allo...

4 months ago | 0

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How can I fix "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds" in for loop?
hello to make your code work, b should be initiallized with same dimensions as a (as a vector, not just one scalar) also it's...

4 months ago | 0

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Identify local minima in 3D plot/coordinate data
hello this is what you need : Find local minima - MATLAB islocalmin - MathWorks France try this load('sampledata.mat') ...

4 months ago | 0

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