Differentiating in one direction using FFT2
fft2(u) is equivalent to fft( fft(u,[],1) ,[],2), if that helps at all. Truthfully, it doesn't appear that you need to use fft2...

21 days ago | 0

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need to vectorize efficiently calculating only certain values in the matrix multiplication A * B, using a logical array L the size of A * B
Is v much smaller than m or n? If so, one approach might be with an outer product decomposition: L=sparse(L); %if L was not pre...

22 days ago | 1

shared colorbar for specific plots in tiledlayout
Using nestedLayouts from the File Exchange,

23 days ago | 0

MATLAB Optional Function Arguments
Using the arguments block is more robust, but I'm unable to find a way to make multiple inputs independently optional. The way ...

23 days ago | 2

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Set number of rows in output variable using indexing within for loop, add variable to new table
I would like to put the two calculated variable columns directly after the variable column in the original table. And you want ...

23 days ago | 0

What happens if the termination condition is satisfied before the constraint in matlab's fmincon?
The only time fmincon will stop without satisfying the constraints (within ConstraintTolerance) is if the MaxItertions or MaxFun...

24 days ago | 0

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How to remove columns in very large matrices.
Use a sparse matrix, if applicable. matrix=sprand(1750000 , 2000, 1000/1750000); whos matrix tic; matrix(:,1:3:end)=[]; ...

24 days ago | 0


Suppress uitable cell borders
In Excel, there are buttons to select particular spreadsheet cell borders and hide them. Is there an analogous way to suppress t...

25 days ago | 1 answer | 0



How to find the mask boundaries?
[Y,X,Z]=find(Mask); S=X+Y+Z; [~,i]=min(S); [~,j]=max(S); [Xmin,Ymin,Zmin, Xmax,Ymax,Zmax] =deal( X(i), Y(i), Z(i), X...

25 days ago | 0

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How to restart a new backgroundPool
delete(pool) pool = backgroundPool;

27 days ago | 0

Slim code for smoothing spline fit with predefined knots, concavity and monotonicity
One path would be to obtain the matrix form for the spline interpolator, which I do in the example below using func2mat from th...

28 days ago | 1

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"isfield" for hidden field in optimoptions
One way: options = optimoptions(@fsolve,'JacobPattern',speye(5)); isNonDefault = ~isequal(options.JacobPattern, optimoption...

28 days ago | 1

nargin of optional arugments
The function "func" has 3 input arguments, why nargin is 1? There are 5 input arguments, not 3: func(1,arg2=3,arg3=5) func...

28 days ago | 0

Why is my matrix being multiplied by scientific notation?
That's the default way that double floats are displayed in the command window. It is purely a matter of display. The actual valu...

28 days ago | 0

How to Simplify Passing Multiple Arguments from Structs in MATLAB Function Calls?
You can use namedargs2cell and comma-separated list expansion to pass multiple name-value pairs,e.g., function main(struct_n,st...

29 days ago | 0

Check if the value for a field in a struct exists
Watch your struct() syntax, A=struct('a',[]) %field 'a' with empty matrix isempty(A.a) B=struct('a',{{}}) %field 'a' with em...

29 days ago | 0

Image registration on segmented images
My question is thus : Is it possible to perform an image registration on a segmented image? You could use the segmentation to ...

29 days ago | 1

Tally Instances of Negative Numbers in an Array (for loop)
We don't know the names of the variables in the .mat file. If it contains a variable named B that you are trying to load into A,...

29 days ago | 1

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Poor performance of trainNetwork() function as compared to train()
I have tried playing with the training parameters in the trainNetwork and this is the best I was able to set You can try using ...

1 month ago | 0

How to restrict train() function to a select gpu pool?
This might work, setenv('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES', '1,2'); % MATLAB indexes from 1, CUDA from 0

1 month ago | 0

Alternative to ginput for finding curve intersections with unevenly spaced data in MATLAB
Use fminbnd or fzero, x=sort(rand(1,12)*5); y1=[0,1,-1*x(3:end)+3+2*x(3)]; y2=2*x-3; f=@(z) interp1(x,y1,z)-interp1(x,y2,...

1 month ago | 1

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Linear polyfit results don't look like they fit
Because both your x and y data have random errors, polyfit() is not going to be the best tool. I would recommend instead linear2...

1 month ago | 0

fminunc step size too small
It's not clear to me whether you are are talking about the StepTolerance or the FiniteDifferenceStepSize, both of which you have...

1 month ago | 0

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how to update MATLAB 2024b when cannot uninstall old version
I've never heard of an "already installed" message when trying to update. At most, it may tell you to close any open instances o...

1 month ago | 0

vector conversion from a vector of numbers to a vector cell of chars.
Y=[0 4 6]; X=Y+""; X={X{:}}

1 month ago | 0

Help Plotting an Ellipse from X,Y data
a=3; b=2; %Major/minor ellipse radii plot(rand(1,5)); hold on; axis equal ellipse = translate( scale(nsidedpoly(1000),[a,b]...

1 month ago | 0

connecting concenation layer error
Use connectLayers to make your connections programmatically or make the connections manually in the deepNetworkDesigner.

1 month ago | 0

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deepNetworkDesigner: autoscrolling, connection preservation, undoing, and landscaping
I am encountering several issues with deepNetworkDesigner. (1) I have a large network whose layers do not fit entirely on one s...

1 month ago | 0 answers | 0



transformPointsForward does not support PolynomialTransformation2D
Polynomial tforms are generally not invertible, so you can only define them in one direction. I assume fitgeotform2d always fits...

1 month ago | 0

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