Why does abs cause bad matlabfunction evaluation?
The real problem appears to be that f is not fully simplified, and therefore the Symbolic Toolbox tries to naively apply the Cha...

4 months ago | 2

How to save .mat files on the disk after each iteration?
Often, you would put all images with the same label in the same folder - Folders={'Label1','Label2','Label3'}; for j=1:nu...

5 months ago | 1

Curve fitting a function that is dependent on a difference of 2d functions
There appears to be a simple analytical solution - constant=(0.0025)^(-5/3)*(2*Lambda^2*0.1816)/D^(1/3); DTV=(cX+cY)*consta...

6 months ago | 0

Calling functions that have a variable name
That sounds like a bad idea. You should probably make a single function where (n,k) are one of the arguments - function oneFun...

6 months ago | 3

Trapezoidal Rule of Convolution with Non-Uniform Intervals
I don't believe there is such a thing as the "Trapezoidal Rule of Convolution". Undoubtedly, you are thinking of the trapezoidal...

6 months ago | 0

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cut the object in space (separate a 3D object into two distinct parts) using a plane
The IsoCut command here looks like it will do this -

7 months ago | 0

How to trace the minimum and maximum lines of the image of the moiré franges?
Something like this might also work - A=load('Image').Image; T=findEdges(A,'top',10); B=findEdges(A,'bottom',10); C=fin...

7 months ago | 1

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Changing color in matlab
A = imread('xyz_converted.png'); [R,G,B] = imsplit(A); B=cat(3,G, 0*R,0*B); imshow(B)

7 months ago | 0

Speed up process of passing each row of large array to external function
This reduces it to one loop, which should work with parfor - x = lambdas; % 1 x 1927 element vector intt=int'; logg=nan...

7 months ago | 0

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Using datastore for a matrix
If you're not going to store your data in memory, then the training samples have to be split up into separate .mat files. You co...

7 months ago | 1

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fmincon with handle function input
No, the objective function that you give to fmincon can contain anything, but fmincon's algorithms will assume that the input-to...

7 months ago | 2

Why is it necessary/useful to have a HandleCompatible attribute?
Maybe because in some cases you may want a class to have copy-by-reference semantics but you want its subclasses to have regular...

7 months ago | 0

How to prove that a destructor must be defined for the Value classes
I think there is an argument to be made for allowing destructors to be defined by value classes, but not for memory management p...

9 months ago | 2

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Indexing a struct inside a struct
If Stint is a struct array, as you say, then it should be indexed with parentheses (), not braces {}, dataA.Stint(jj) Convers...

9 months ago | 0

In the framework FEX, How do I change the projection of 3d points in a different 2D plane (currently it is in XY and want to change it to YX)
Since this concerns an FEX submission, you should probably ask the question in the discussion page of that submission. However,...

9 months ago | 1

How to adjust plots with several subplots with different loops?
ord={x,z,w}; for i=1:3 subplot(1,3,i); h=plot(ord{i},y,'LineWidth',4); [h.Color]=deal('cyan','red','blue...

11 months ago | 0

Calculate multivariable equation with Matlab
You need some sort of model for the line slopes and intercepts as a function of the amperage. There are infinitely many that can...

11 months ago | 0

find the index number using bsxfun command
bsxfun has been deprecated since R2016b. Just use implicit expansion. A = [12 13 15 1]; B = [1 2 12 15 10 13 11 14 3 4 5 6 7 8...

1 year ago | 0

How do I change only one variable in an equation and plot the response for this equation on a graph for all of the different values of this one variable?
F=1;K=1; DR = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]; r=linspace(0,5)'; A = (F/K) ./ sqrt(((1 - (r.^2)).^2) + (4.*DR.^2.*r.^2)); plot...

1 year ago | 0

Using the surf and meshgrid command
Use fimplicit3 instead fimplicit3(@(x,y,z) y - sin(x.* cos(z)) ,[-1,1] )

1 year ago | 0

Display outputs of lsqnonlin in APP designer
Use the OutputFcn option to obtain the values used to populate the iterative display. Then print those values whenever and howev...

1 year ago | 2

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Anyone know what is wrong with my T2* calculations?
The problem with try...catch is that if you have any coding errors in the try block, it will never get executed. Here, you are u...

1 year ago | 2

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insert singelton dimension for broadcasting
Inserting dimensions seems like as much a pain as reshape, but if you must do it that way, here's an approach closer to the Pyth...

1 year ago | 1

How to find the angle of a line with respect to plot window
For context, I am trying to use this angle to produce some text that has the same angle as the line There are File Exchange pos...

1 year ago | 1

Is there an option to overwrite the old release when installing a new one?
No, there is not. You should always manually uninstall any versions you don't want. It is probably a good thing that they make y...

1 year ago | 2

insert singelton dimension for broadcasting
You could also create your own specialized function that does it - [M,N,P,K]=deal(2,3,4,5); A=rand(M,N,P); B=rand(M,N,K); ...

1 year ago | 1

insert singelton dimension for broadcasting
You didn't complete your description of why reshape() is "a bit annoying". If you're going to be doing the same operation repea...

1 year ago | 0


Behavior with unspecified output arguments
I am a bit puzzled by the behavior I see in the below example. I thought Matlab will always check that a function call assigns a...

1 year ago | 1 answer | 1



Replacing old version graphshortestpath with new shortestpath function
I tried replacing graphshortestpath() with shortestpath() and matlab still says the function is undefined. A strange thing to ...

1 year ago | 0

How can I implement this equation in matlab?
All of the summations can be pre-computed using matrix multiplication, e.g. - The results of the...

1 year ago | 0

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