How to read .accdb file in MATLAB using ODBC
Hi you don't rad the file using the database command. You establish a connection with the database file. If Message is empty ...

11 years ago | 0

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How to close nntrain tool???
Hi, when taking a look at the code of nntraintool you will see: function [result,result2] = nntraintool(command,varargin...

11 years ago | 1

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passing value from mex file to Matlab
Hi, #include "mex.h" void manipulate(double* y){ *y = 20; } void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxA...

11 years ago | 0

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How can I get MCR 7.16?
Hi, you get the MCR from the person who compiled the application. You can't buy the MCR and you can't download it from the Ma...

11 years ago | 0

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How can I convert MATLAB image processing codes into C codes to load them in microcontroller? Actually it is a part of my Final year project so please help
Hi, basically < MATLAB Coder> is designed for that task. However only a limite...

11 years ago | 0

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SQL Blobs, converting it to fileformat using Matlab
Hi, # no you can't. save that as additional information # use fopen, fwrite, fclose to write the int8 values back as .pdf fi...

11 years ago | 0

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Reading from an Excel File using MATLAB
Hi, on windows 100% yes using xlsread. In Linux/MAC you need 12a and newer in order to be able to read in xlsx format with th...

11 years ago | 1

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Where are write permissions needed working with MATLAB?
Hi, For modifying classpath.txt and librarypath.txt one needs write acces to the toolbox\local folder. Note that for 13a a...

11 years ago | 1

Problem opening MATLAB r2011a on Macbook Pro
Since you are using r2011a, take a look at < the hardware ...

11 years ago | 2

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c++ and matlab functions equivalent
Hi, yes and yes. See at the bottom here for the cout question <

11 years ago | 0

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Backward compatibility of MCR
Hi, yes. The MCR is version specific. See 3rd bullet point here: <

11 years ago | 0

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How can I creat a Excel Table Data from a not really well formated Text Data
Hi, there is an example in the doc which matches your format quite perfectly: <

11 years ago | 0

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Problem with mex file!
Hi, have you tried debugging your MEX? <

11 years ago | 1

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Find out OS language via datestr command?
HI, what about: >> java.lang.System.getProperty('user.language') ans = de >> java.lang.System....

11 years ago | 1

how to use Data acquisition Tool ???
Hi, seems like winsound is not available for you. Did you run this: daqregister('winsound') This is needed in order t...

11 years ago | 0

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Excel add-in say´s "MATLAB is not running, do you want run MATLAB now?". How to solve this problem?
Hi, this is the default behavior. If MATLAB is opened manually its not started as COM Server. Its a normal MATLAB session. If...

11 years ago | 0

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Unable to build dll from simulink mdl for use with Canoe
Hi, the error "Unable to find build success string" is a follow up error. The part which most likely fails first is the compi...

11 years ago | 3

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I don't know why I got an error using command "daq.getVendors" and "daq.getDevices" ?
Hi, what does the following command give for you? which internal.SetGetRenderer -all The output should be C:\Pro...

11 years ago | 1

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missing pathdef.m when starting MATLAB 7.14 (R2012a), new warning
Him when you google for the first line of the error you get: <>...

11 years ago | 0

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generate a DLL by RTW without having Visual Studio
Hi, generating a DLL means compiling which means invoking a Compiler at some point. So yes you need a Compiler installed in o...

11 years ago | 0

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If I have mclmcrrt8_1.dl installed then why application is looking for mclmcrrt7_16.dl?
Hi, the MCR is NOT backwards compatible. You need to install the version 7.16 of the MCR (would be MATLAB R2011b). This is s...

11 years ago | 0

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URGENT....!!!! Error Using xlswrite R2012a Ubuntu 12.04
Hi, the doc for xlswrite cleary states: If your system does not have Excel for Windows, or if the COM server (part of th...

11 years ago | 0

MatLab Automation Server Functions and Properties Feval("load", ...)
Hi, with respect to the IDL signature: HRESULT Feval([in] BSTR functionname, [in] long nargout, [out] VARIANT* resul...

11 years ago | 0

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Matlab 2011 integration with java
Hi, MATLAB uses JAVA 6 so JAVA 7 compiled files wont work. However you can change the JAVA version MATLAB uses by creating an...

11 years ago | 0

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Copyfile with long path names
Hi, have you tried to prefix \\?\ for the file path like mentioned here: <

11 years ago | 1

Warning and Timeout in DAQ when using session on NI USB-6259
Hi, I tried your code with a simulated NI USB-6259 and it is working fine for me in 12a. Could it be that you are using the 1...

11 years ago | 0

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How can I create an executable file that have an input that change in each run?
Hi, In the case you wan't an alterated input file do NOT embed it into the CTF. At startup the MCR checks if the extracted CT...

11 years ago | 1

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loadlibrary problem with DLL file
Hi, loadlibrary is for native C only. So if your header file contains C++ statements it won't work. Make sure your header fil...

11 years ago | 1

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Out of Memory Error
Hi, there isn't much you can do. The matrix you need to create needs ~45GB of Memory: >> 74088*81234*8/1024^3 ans...

11 years ago | 1

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I could not find the help section a particular toolbox which i installed and added to my matlab R2012b..Please help me out
Hi, 12b has a new documention and I doubt that the CPLEX documentation is made for that. However you should be able to see th...

11 years ago | 1

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