add cell to arraycell
Hi Luca Re, I understand that you wish to add a new row in the cell array "oldList" whole first element is "sistema" but are fa...

8 months ago | 1

Trying to create a polynomial formula from xyz chart data where x and y equate to a z value.
Hi Graham, I understand that you wish to fit 2D surface to your data which will accept the temperature and humidity and will pr...

8 months ago | 3

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Export to eps result is not the same as in the figure
Hi Mohammad, I understand that you wish to export your 3D figure in MATLAB into a .EPS file and are facing issues with it when ...

8 months ago | 0

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parpool memory allocation per worker
Hi Jeong Ho, Each worker in a parpool has its own independent memory space. They do not share memory directly with each other o...

8 months ago | 0

Sorting array of sym
Hi Tanmaya To sort the symbolic array numerically, you can convert the symbolic expressions to their numerical equivalents befo...

8 months ago | 1

Find the closest freq in a filterbank
Hi S, I understand that you wish to use the 3 filters from your filter bank which have their center frequency closest to the fr...

8 months ago | 1

How to solve this problem combining sequences and reasoning using code?
Hi 代丝 The code attached in the question produces the following error: "Error using mat2cell Input arguments, D1 through D2, m...

8 months ago | 0

How to predict with 1Dconvolution layers: get 3 channels to produce one output?
Hi Isabelle Museck, The error you're encountering is due to a mismatch between the number of channels in your predictions and t...

9 months ago | 1

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Empty pdf if table is saved as pdf
Hi Chris Pruefert, I understand that you want to export a table create in MATLAB as a pdf but are facing issues with it. Inste...

9 months ago | 0

Could not find a feasible initial point gamultiobj function
Hi muhammad ilyas khattak khattak, I understand that you are encountering an error while performing optimization by Genetic Alg...

9 months ago | 0

How can we get the latitude and longitude of the pixels of a georeferenced image in MATLAB and put them in separate matrices?
Hi Hamed, To obtain the latitude and longitude of the pixels of a georeferenced image in MATLAB and store them in separate matr...

9 months ago | 0

How to code double pendulum by using rk4
Hi numpy, I understand that you want to simulate the motion of double pendulum in MATLAB using RK4 method but are facing issues...

9 months ago | 0

Saving figure as .svg alters appearance
Hi Marleen, The issue with the blue patch extending beyond the intended x-axis limit when exporting to .svg can be addressed by...

10 months ago | 1

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Media Pipe Python Interfacing with MATLAB
Hi Morrison, It sounds like you're encountering issues with Python path configuration and version mismatches between MATLAB and...

10 months ago | 0

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Figure Not Displaying Properly
Hi Isabella, I understand that you wish to wish to visualize the images in the subplots such that the images should not be scal...

10 months ago | 1

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How to plot the Acceleration as a function of Frequency?
Hi Sarah Jæger, It is possible to plot the acceleration vs frequency graph. To plot acceleration as a function of frequency, it...

10 months ago | 0

I have a problem involving textbook MATLAB and use of handles and functions
Hi DJ V, Here are the answer to your doubts. Is "fred" an appropriate handle reference? In MATLAB, a handle is typically an o...

10 months ago | 0

How to calculate one parameter in SIR model if we know the infinite condition?
Hi Xinyi Zhou To estimate the transmission rate of an infection using the SIR model (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered) using M...

10 months ago | 0

Unable to import camera parameters or intrinsics to Simulink simulation
Hi Dylan To import the CameraParameters structure into Simulink, you need to use a format that Simulink supports. The From Work...

10 months ago | 0

Find a Non-Cropped Template in a Larger Image
Hi Sarah Forster I understand that you're interested in identifying knits and purls within a larger image, using a template ima...

10 months ago | 0

Error in deep learning classification code
Hi Daeyeon Koh The error message you're encountering indicates that the output of your network does not match the expected form...

10 months ago | 0

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how to plot the state of polarisation distribution of a c or v point polarisation singularity using quiver plots
Hi Aswathi K, I understand that you want to plot the ellipses as shown in the image using the quiver plot for a c-point or v-po...

10 months ago | 0

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fminsearch doesn't converge to the right value
I understand that you are facing some issues when using "fminsearch" for optimizing the "sum-squared-error" cost function to fin...

11 months ago | 0

Issue with map orientation
Hi Filippo Bocchi, The orientation issue with your map is likely due to the way you are creating the arrays for latitude (lat) ...

11 months ago | 0

state events - changing the function of the solution after a certain time value
Hi Vörös Gergely, I understand that you are trying to switch between two similar functions, 'a' and 'b', during the integration...

11 months ago | 0

Can you use islocalmax2 for a nxnxn grid where the values of that grid correspond to peaks in data density?
Hi Poison Idea fan, The function islocalmax2 is compatible with multidimensional arrays, that means you can use it to get the p...

11 months ago | 0

After applying PCA on a dataset, deleting the PC with highest variance and reconstructing the dataset, some of the data series are flipped, why? and how can I fix it?
Hi elham, The flipping of data series is related to the inherent nature of PCA and how eigenvectors (principal components) are ...

11 months ago | 1

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Defining a Y-Based custom datatip with a non-auto format
Hi Yoad Pilosof, I see that you are trying to add a Y-based dataTipTextRow to your plot but are facing an error when using a 2-...

11 months ago | 0

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4D spherical shell heat map
Hi iontrap, I understand that you want to divide the sphere into a number of segments and calculate the number of "photons" fal...

11 months ago | 0

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Find coordinate inside circular area of 2D plots.
Hi Youngki As per my understanding, you are trying to draw circles around the patches using imfindcircles in your image (which ...

11 months ago | 0

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