Duration type doesn't preserve seconds accuracy
"Duration type doesn't preserve seconds accuracy" That is exactly what CALENDARDURATION objects are for: format longg dt1 = d...

6 months ago | 0

Find min and max in groups
A = [12, 11, 12, 5, 3, 10, 5]; B = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2]; X = 1:numel(A); Fmax = @(x){x(max(B(x))==B(x))}; Fmi...

6 months ago | 0

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Use save function with '-fromstruct' option to save a cell array
As the error message states, the structure must be scalar: test_file = 'test.mat'; files = {'test1.m', 'test2.m'}; T = ones(1...

6 months ago | 2

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How to write to csv file in shortG format?
Here is one approach that gives exactly the shortG format in your CSV file: format long G M = rand(3,5); M(1) = -6.0247123456...

6 months ago | 1

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I need help with an error I get
Perhaps the input argument should be F (not f): function [posicao, velocidade, aceleracao] = atleta(t, F, M)

6 months ago | 1

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When multiplying or dividing a vector by a scaler, when do you need a period before the operator?
"When multiplying or dividing a vector by a scaler, when do you need a period before the operator?" Lets consider multiplying. ...

6 months ago | 0

Observations being read as number of columns instead of rows
Perhaps because the data are (complex conjugate) transposed here: 'ValidationData', {stan_x_val', stan_y_val'}, Note that yo...

6 months ago | 1

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Need help figuring out why this nested function is not working
"File not found" You are not providing FOPEN and READMATRIX with the filepath, so they cannot find the file on your computer. P...

6 months ago | 0

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Can't seem to replace values in matrix meeting criteria, although the correct row,col coordinates are found
Use SUB2IND: idx = sub2ind(size(img),row,col); img(idx) = 1; The section "Indexing Matrices with Two Subscripts" here: https...

6 months ago | 0

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Compare two files and remove any lines in the second file when they match values found in the first file
lines1 = [1,2,3,4;2,4,6,7;2,5,7,8;6,7,4,6] lines2 = [2,4,6,7;2,5,7,8] out = setdiff(lines1,lines2,'rows')

6 months ago | 0

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A more efficient or compact way to sort strings that contain dates
a = [... '123_abc_01_202403020000_202403022359.txt'; '123_abc_01_202403040000_202403042359.txt'; '123_abc_01_2024...

7 months ago | 1

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Portion of code containing my custom functions is hidden and I cant access it.
The feature is called code folding: http...

7 months ago | 1

How can I access the value of a string variable? I need to construct a file path from a string variable, but keep getting the variable name and not the string.
It works perfectly, exactly as you showed in your question: directory_name = "directory1"; f = fullfile('/Users/me/ch4', direc...

7 months ago | 1

Appending data when extracting nested fields as individual variables
The simple and efficient MATLAB approach using two comma-separated lists (no loops are required!): first100 = load('frames.mat'...

7 months ago | 0

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Natural-Order Filename Sort
Alphanumeric sort of filenames or filepaths, with customizable number format.

7 months ago | 318 downloads |



Natural-Order Row Sort
Alphanumeric row sort of a cell/string/categorical/table array, with customizable number format.

7 months ago | 11 downloads |



Customizable Natural-Order Sort
Alphanumeric sort of a cell/string/categorical array, with customizable number format.

7 months ago | 40 downloads |



Custom List / Arbitrary Sequence Sort
Sort a text array into the order of custom lists / arbitrary text sequences. Sort words with Latin-, Greek-, and Cyrillic-based ...

7 months ago | 1 download |


char array to numeric array
"I was wondering if there was a better way of doing this?" Of course, use READTABLE (or READMATRIX): unzip ...

7 months ago | 0

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I'm trying to convert the text into binary and then i want to make the 4 bits chunks.
message = 'Hello world'; A = dec2bin(message, 8) B = reshape(A.',1,[])

7 months ago | 0

How to stop double printing text using sprintf ?
Problems: 1- This is the relevant code: VariantModel = compose('%d', 1:height(VariantIDPassed)); .. writefile(VariantModel{i...

7 months ago | 0

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How do I fix my Nan issue within a recursive function?
Replace this (which returns logical indices): FirstID = M==-1; with this (which returns the linear index): FirstID = find(M==...

7 months ago | 0

How to import multiple .mat files to workspace?
The basic problem is that you are not supplying the filepath to LOAD. You can improve your code as well. I am guessing that you...

7 months ago | 0

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Error in code, parenthesis perceiving as comment for some reason
Explanation: for some reason you seem to be running this literal code: Q_est = updateQ(...) instead of calling UPDATEQ etc. wi...

7 months ago | 1

smart function to switch functions
You could use STR2FUNC: str = 'ode23'; odesolver = str2func(str); odesolver(@fun,..) or simply use FEVAL: feval(str,@fun,.....

7 months ago | 0

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Reshaping a matrix based on the first row
A = [270,270,270,271,272,272,273,273,273]; B = [ 12, 2, 3, 14, 5, 2, 6, 8, 11]; X = ~isnan(A); C = findgroups(A(X)); R...

7 months ago | 0

sorting non-exact x/y data into rows and columns, typewriter style
x = [1.01,2.01,1.02,2.02]; y = [1.01,1.02,2.01,2.02]; m = [x(:),y(:)]; % simpler [~,id] = sortrows(round(m),[-2,+1])

7 months ago | 0

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How can I extract an array of numbers from a text-formatted cell array of strings.
C = {'20s';'15m';'';'24s';'';'44s';'3h';'40m';'20s';'';'14s'} F = @(t)prod(sscanf(t,'%f')); V = cellfun(F,regexprep(C,{'h$','m...

7 months ago | 1

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Update an Excel file after each Matlab calculation
You can use a COM server to trigger Excel to recalculate the worksheets:

7 months ago | 0

Error using (function_name). Too many output arguments.
You did not define the function to return any output arguments: function calcolo_cp(T,fluido) If you intended to return e.g. C...

7 months ago | 2

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