Comparing Weight Values with LSM and ifft
Hi 종영 , As per my understanding, you are designing an antenna array beam pattern using Dolph-Chebyshev weighting and then atte...

3 months ago | 0

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I have a 3d nifti image i want to path plan in it using rrt ,it has only labels 0,1,2,3 where 1,2,3 are obstacles, how do i define statspace for this?
Hi Mukund, It is my understanding that you would like to perform path planning using Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) for ...

3 months ago | 0

Convolution of two matrixes of PDF values
Hi Daniel, It is my understanding that you wish to find the convolution of two matrices containing probability distribution va...

3 months ago | 0

How to simulate control loop with sustained oscillation
Hi Banghyun, Your approach in simulating the system with a limit cycle using MATLAB looks almost correct to me. The commant '...

5 months ago | 0

How to characterize PA for DPD implementation with or without hardware ?
Hi Utkarsh, Implementing Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) for your Power Amplifier (PA) requires characterizing the PA using input...

5 months ago | 0

2d planar array use AF and Deconvolution metod
Hi WJDNJ, It is my understanding that you have already created arrays for the beam pattern (Beam) and the response (meas), and...

5 months ago | 0

QR Factorization mod2
Hi Eve, Manipulating the built-in QR factorization function in MATLAB to work under arithmetic modulo 2 directly is not straig...

5 months ago | 0

How to read SINR measurements from all gNBs during a system level 5G simulation?
Hi Zeyad, As per my understanding, your goal is to obtain SINR (Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio) reading for all 15 U...

5 months ago | 0

how to access internet web browser
Hi 예지, You could use 'web' function to access internet web pages directly from the MATLAB workspace. The 'web' function opens ...

5 months ago | 1

How to recover tx data from nrPerfectChannelEstimate
Hi 重阳, It is my understanding that you would like to recover transmitted data from the channel estimate. Recovering transmitte...

5 months ago | 0

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How can I measure the (μm) length, diameter and radius of halloysite mineral?
Hi Dilshod, It seems like you would like to measure the length, diameter and radius of halloysite mineral. I assume you have a...

5 months ago | 0

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Trying to plot response after the transients have died out
Hi Aditya, It looks like you have found the transient response of the system, and now you would like to analyze the steady sta...

6 months ago | 0

How to deal with 2D surface fitting problem with particle swarm optimization
Hi Yunhyeok, As per my understanding, you would like to solve 2D surface fitting problem using the Particle Swarm Optimization...

6 months ago | 0

After having created a MATLAB App of a Simulink Model, how do change the parameter edit fields into sliders?
Hi Arif, In MATLAB App Designer, you can adjust the slider limits by accessing the Component Browser menu, located on the righ...

6 months ago | 1

How to implement the Central Difference method integrator for a two body problem?
Hi Sathvik, It is my understanding that you would like to calculate the numerical orbit time period for a given set of input v...

6 months ago | 0

When drawpolygon(), how to programtically delete a series of vertices?
Dear Xingwang, It appears that you are aiming to programmatically eliminate all points located between point 1 and point 2 in t...

7 months ago | 0

Error using slslicer in command line for model slicing
Hi Akshay, It seems that you are facing an issue trying to use Model Slicer for a simulink model in command line. However, you...

7 months ago | 0

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How to compare the features from an unknown image with the feature vectors I extracted from my database images and display the matched image name?
Hello Ridhima, Based on what I've gathered, you're looking to compare an unknown image against a set of feature vectors that ha...

7 months ago | 0

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Why can i not copy a subsystem reference to a different model?
Hi Rik, It seems that you are encountering difficulties when attempting to copy a subsystem, which includes multiple reference...

7 months ago | 0

How to make an axis two different plots the same using the aspect ratio and how to set the contour colors the same.
Hi, As per my understanding, you would like to ensure the different plots in MATLAB have the same aspect ratio and contour col...

7 months ago | 0

Need Help running functions Resubmit
Hello James, I understand that you're looking to determine the bandwidth of a signal using various definitions. However, there ...

7 months ago | 0

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Is Matlab do LU in pure half (FP16) if input is A_h=half(A_d)? which A_d is rand(n)
Hi Nima, MATLAB's built-in 'lu' function supports only 'single' and 'double' datatypes. It doesn't natively support half-preci...

8 months ago | 0

how can I get overshoot, rise time, settling time... from an output?
Hi Ys, After simulating the system in Simulink and obtaining the output signal, make sure to log the output to the MATLAB work...

8 months ago | 0

Legend/Label in a compare command of an identified mimo system
Hi Benjamin, As per my understanding, you are facing an issue with labeling the outputs when comparing the measured data with ...

8 months ago | 0

impulse response of frequency shifted complex rational fit
Hi Robert, As per my understanding, you would like to convolute a baseband complex signal with the baseband equivalent channel...

8 months ago | 0

Frequency domain response from time domain response using PSD
Hi Mohammed, As per my understanding, you are encountering spectral leakage and noise in your Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) out...

8 months ago | 0

Is this a right way to code nested sums?
Hello Marcello, To implement nested summations, you may employ nested 'for' loops or use array operations. The selection of the...

8 months ago | 1

How to create batch mode between matlab and optistruct? If I want to change some variables such as young's modulus for optimization how do I do it?
Hi Adeline, Here is a general workflow to change design variables for optimization in MATLAB and use it to control and interac...

8 months ago | 0

Unable to obtain dropdown menu in Control System Toolbox
Hello Aniello, It seems you're experiencing some trouble with the Control System Designer application. I've tried to replicate ...

8 months ago | 0

In the new version of cwt(), what is the bandwidth of the default Morlet wavelet?
Hello Tom, It is my understanding that you would like to characterize the wavelet you used, and visualize the mother wavelet. ...

9 months ago | 0

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