I want to assign values from a 1d array to 2d array. How should I do it?
You have not assigned a value to _x_. Maybe you meant: for s=2:m x = tridiagonal(n); % assign x! for t=1:n w(...

11 years ago | 0

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How to choose wavelet family for EEG?
For EEG feature exctraction one frequently chooses a wavelet family that yields decomposition results, roughly matching the _cla...

11 years ago | 0

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how to find standart devuation of biological data
You could fit a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with two Gaussians to the data using the Expectation Maximziation (EM-) Algorithm a...

11 years ago | 0

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how to save string values in matfile
If _label_ is a matrix of doubles you are trying to mix types in a matrix using label(1,1:44) = {'0'}; Instead, create a...

11 years ago | 0

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Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback (GUI_handle problem)
The code you posted is incomprehensibly formatted. However, my guess is, that you did a function call, that changes the hand...

11 years ago | 2

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I want to spit EEG signals in four equal parts?
If your EEG data is in the (65 x 1600) matrix named _signal_ do: p1 = signal(:,1:400); p2 = signal(:,401:800); p3 = sign...

11 years ago | 0

wavelet decomposition of a signal
Use _wavedec()_ to calculate the wavelet decomposition and _wenergy_ to extract the energie in the decomposition. e.g.: ...

11 years ago | 1

MATLAB engine , C++ and MATLAB .dll files
If you are calling the Matlab engine, Matlab has to be installed on the target machine. If you have the Compiler Toolbox you can...

11 years ago | 1

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Filling one vector with elements of another
vector = repmat(Ua', [16, 1]); vector = vector(:);

11 years ago | 0

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how to scale the array type double of range [-1,1] to [0,1] and [0,360] to[0,1]
The following scales array x from any range to [0, 1] scaled = x - min(x); scaled = scaled / max(scaled);

11 years ago | 1

resampling signals in matlab 2012b
If you have the Signalprocessing Toolbox use _resample()_ or _decimate()_ If not, look at _interp1()_

11 years ago | 0

i'm trying to enhanced image by gaussian high pass filter but it can't work... can you help me to repair my program? thangkyou before
As you are using imshow I'm guessing you have the image processing toolbox installed. In that case you might as well use the _im...

11 years ago | 0

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access the elements in a matrix given the column indexes
how about diag( x(:, y) )

11 years ago | 0

How to compile a GUI for win32 using MATLAB and win 64.
I had the same problem a few days ago. Short answer: you can't build a 32Bit executable from a 64Bit Matlab. Instead: install ad...

11 years ago | 0

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What is the use of repmat in the following program?
If none of the dimensions of I equal 512 (for some reason) it is repeated and the copied matrix is added horizontally to I. ...

11 years ago | 0

Compiled DLL doesn't work on target machine
I managed to work around the problem by adding two entries to the system's path variable: [Matlab Compiler Runtime Path]\[ve...

11 years ago | 0

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Compiled DLL doesn't work on target machine
Hello I've built a DLL using the Matlab Compiler Toolbox, which I would now like to integrate into a Visual Studio project. E...

11 years ago | 2 answers | 0

