Need MATLAB coding for vehicle routing problem with time windows
Sripriya, Please use the < MATLAB file exchange> and run search with the ...

9 years ago | 0

How to rotate all my measurements of an object to a single reference line fixed in the object.
Hello Snehalatha, Can you share more details - like a sample image, code etc. ? I assume you have to find the gear axle po...

9 years ago | 0

Rotate x axis labels boxplot Matlab 2015
I don't know how to rotate the lables, even though using the graphObj = gca disp( graphObj.XLabel.Rotation ) allow...

9 years ago | 0

For loop expansion summation
It seems to me you are trying to write a tensor like summation; you will be well advised to use matrix products by re-arranging ...

9 years ago | 0

Is it possible to create a structure with fields but without defined values?
Yes. z = struct('fieldname1',[],'fieldname2',[]) z.fieldname1 z.fieldname2

9 years ago | 1

How do I append data to a MAT file from C++?
The two alternatives are nicely laid out by Adam, and James. # Adam's recommendation is to use the Mex API. # James's recomm...

9 years ago | 0

run a script that generates a structure within a function
You maybe looking for the *evalin* function, currValueOfWorkspaceVar = evalin('base','variableDefinedInBaseWorkSpace') ...

9 years ago | 0

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How to make exponents superscripted on plots instead of with e notation?
Whereas some options may exist, a simple work around does the trick following your hint; var2exp = @( varname, var ) [rege...

9 years ago | 0

Running Functions in For Loop
You can develop a solution using str2func() to turn the string into a function handle. First generate a list of 10 strings, ...

9 years ago | 0

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Why not enogh input arguments?
Try using the breakpoint feature to debug MATLAB code. It is not that hard. See the help at <

10 years ago | 0

My matlab somehow in degree mode
Have you tried the functions, sind(180) cosd(90) etc ? Also the MAP toolbox has the functions _deg2rad_ and _rad2d...

10 years ago | 0

How do I specify the MATLAB code for the function in an Embedded MATLAB Function Block from the MATLAB command line?
I have a untested work-around.You can try using a masked block, including this said Stateflow block, and include the property-ch...

10 years ago | 0

How to distinguish each fiber and analyze the properties of the fiber?
Have you tried a auto-correlation and counting the peaks? This could easily give you the number of fibers, since they all resemb...

11 years ago | 0

Representing system by FSM with Matlab Coding
@Walter I agree with you, and @Zubin you need to narrow down the question to a particular reference. We don't seem to understand...

11 years ago | 0

Coverstion of Matlab code to HDL
@Neha I would recommend thinking your MATLAB function as a chip-design interface, when you want to generate HDL from it. Wha...

11 years ago | 0

GUI handles.*** vs hObject
I understand you are having problems accessing a property of the radio-button class. Since radio buttons behavior is differen...

11 years ago | 0

Print a cell arrays into text file
You want to try and use '%04d' '%10s' to print 4 digit integers, and 10 letter strings, i.e. use a maximum limit, and fixed widt...

11 years ago | 0

problem with control signal
If your signal is in variable *x*, you need to use the transform, y = (x+10)/2 So you can implement this equation easi...

11 years ago | 1

How can I plot this vector
Hello @Osasu I recomment learing about MATLAB via tutorial, <>. I recommend...

11 years ago | 0

Using Sum(W) ==1 as a condition in a function
@Andrew on the similar lines as @Image Analyst - I think your return value is not assigned because you don't enter the if-condit...

11 years ago | 0

Send PuTTY Command Through Matlab Script
AFAIK this is not currently possible in MATLAB, i.e. to have a live terminal session - you need pipes and MATLAB doesn't offer t...

11 years ago | 0

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I need to do a Sign Restriction SVAR in Matlab
@Gareth MATLAB has concepts of script and a function. You cannot mix both. If you start a M-file with a MATLAB command that i...

11 years ago | 0

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Is it possible to download and process images Asynchronously?
Yes. Try MATLAB timer object. < MATLAB timer>

11 years ago | 1

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how to combine values into one cell in a matrix within a matrix
If you are on MATLAB v13a or later you can try size(s) %put your 11x2 cell here cellJoinedAsString = strjoin(s)

11 years ago | 0

Find distance between to elements of a "circular" vector
Assuming your list is unique you can get the linear positions of two numbers as, p1 = find( v == n1 ) p2 = find( v == n2...

11 years ago | 1

How to run two for loops
To do it the way you want, not my preference, you should write a double loop, and compute the index into the cell array *h* F...

11 years ago | 1

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Find locations of repeated values?
Guessing from reading the code, and the comments in the code itself, you are looking for the variable, *startindex* [starti...

11 years ago | 0

eigenvalues - determining the three major eigenvalues from a matrix
Take a look at the >> doc eigs >> doc eig as @Jan Simon has suggested. For example with <

11 years ago | 0

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search and delete text lines when certain strings are missing
Have you tried *regexp* ? < regexp> My recommenda...

11 years ago | 0

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