
~~~~~~~ WAVE ~~~~~~~~~
|The WAVE generator| Once upon a time there was a river. 'Sum' was passing by the river. He saw the water of the river that w...

8 years ago


Sum all integers from 1 to 2^x
Given a number x, your function must return the summation of all integers from 1 to 2^x.

8 years ago


UICBioE240 problem 1.17
In the expression (2+5i), how does MATLAB read the expressions A = 2+5i B = 2+5*i C = both are okay Write capital letter a...

8 years ago


vector to string
Determine what the ASCII characters spell out. Example: input = [ 72 73 71 72] output = 'HIGH'

8 years ago


Sum of integers numbers
Sum of the numbers from 1 to 100

8 years ago


UICBioE240 2.8
Convert x number of hours into seconds.

8 years ago


Find the area of a rectangle if length of the diagonal is given.
if length of a diagnonal in rectangle is 5. Its area is 12.

8 years ago


Small Riddle
Mr. Smith has two children. If the older child is a boy, what are the odds that the other child is also a boy?

8 years ago


Solve Linear equations
Solve Linear equations Example: x+y=2 and x+2y=3, then x and y equal to 1.

8 years ago


Make a vector of prime numbers
Input(n) - length of vector with prime numbers Output(v) - vector of prime numbers Example: * n=1; v=2 * n=3; v=[2 3 5...

8 years ago


Divide by 4
Given the variable x as your input, divide it by 4 and put the result in y.

8 years ago


Strange Number Algorithms
Three integer numbers will be provided to you. Write a function to Step1: Multiply first number by 3. Step2: Add 6 with t...

8 years ago


be able to add any variable to the number one

8 years ago


Generate this matrix
Generate the following matrix. n = 2; out = [-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -...

8 years ago


When can one be the Life Member of the IEEE?
Consult the site from where it can be seen that IEEE Members who have reached the age of 65 an...

8 years ago


Define function plu(n) that returns '' (an empty string) if n=1, or 's' otherwise. This is handy for displaying messages from a...

8 years ago


Matlab Basics II - Unit Conversion
Write a function that converts Kg to lbs, returns the answer to the nearest 1/100th of a pound

8 years ago


Rounding off numbers to n decimals
Inspired by a mistake in one of the problems I created, I created this problem where you have to round off a floating point numb...

8 years ago


UICBioE240 2.3
Make a 4D matrix of 4x4x3x4 containing all zeros.

8 years ago


Change the first and last diagonal element of the identity matrix to zero
Starting with the identity matrix, change first and last diagonal element to zero. Example If n=5 A = 0 0 ...

8 years ago


Reverse a string
Reverse the given string. Example input = 'reverse' output = 'esrever'

8 years ago


Vector creation
Create a vector using square brackets going from 1 to the given value x in steps on 1. Hint: use increment.

8 years ago


Convert String to Morse Code
Convert a given string to international < Morse Code> * Strings will only have [A-z], ...

8 years ago


I've got the power! (Inspired by Project Euler problem 29)
Consider all integer combinations of a^b and b^a for the integer values 2 ≤ a ≤ 4 and 2 ≤ b ≤ 5: 2^2=4, 2^3=8, 2^4=16,...

8 years ago


Make a Plot with Functions
Make a plot and test

8 years ago


UICBioE240 problem 1.13
Compute the following - y = x^5/(x^-1) and y = (1-(1/x^5))^-1. Have the final answer of y to equal a 1 by 2 vector.

8 years ago


Pascal's Matrix
Given an integer n &ge; 0, generate the ( _n_+1) &times; ( _n_+1) lower triangular < P...

8 years ago


Matlab Basics II - Extract last 3 elements of a vector
Let x be a vector of unknown length, we are always interested in the last 3 numbers in the vector, write a function that gives t...

8 years ago


Sum of the Multiplication of Vectors
Given the vectors x and y as input, multiply the vectors and return the summation of its elements. Example: x = [1 2 ...

8 years ago


Summation of array
Given an array, Find the sum of all of the elements in it Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5; 4 5 6 7]; Output y is 33

8 years ago

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