
Test if two numbers have the same digits
Given two integers _x1_ and _x2_, return |true| if the numbers written with no leading zeros contain the same digits. That is, t...

7 years ago


Construct a string from letters and counts
Given two input arrays like this: [5,3,1] ['a','b','c'] Output a string that contains each letter the specified num...

7 years ago


Find the logic
There exists one logic in between input and output. Find it (easy math). Example 1: x=13 then y=339; Example 2: x=26...

7 years ago


Assignment statements based on input value
Write an if-else statement that assigns finalValue with userValue + 5 if userValue is greater than 100. Otherwise assign finalVa...

7 years ago


Matlab Basics - Rounding II
Write a script to round a variable x to 3 decimal places: e.g. x = 2.3456 --> y = 2.346

7 years ago


Find out the roots of a given polynomial equation.Given are the coefficients of the equation.

7 years ago


Test if a Number is a Palindrome without using any String Operations
*Description* Given an integer _X_, determine if it is a palindrome number. That is, _X_ is equal to the _X_ with the digits ...

7 years ago


For loops: Odds sum
Write a for loop that assigns summedValue with the sum of all odd values from 1 to userNum. Assume userNume is always greater th...

7 years ago


Find the "ordinary" or Euclidean distance between A and Z
A, B and Z define three points in the 3D _Euclidean_ space of the form: A = [x1;y1;0]; B = [x2;y2;0]; Z = [x2;y2;z]; Find th...

7 years ago


Preset rpm speeds
A centrifuge has four preset speeds. Write a switch statement that assigns rpmSetting with the appropriate rpm speed given prese...

7 years ago


Small aircraft weight limit
Write an if-else statement that evaluates to true if the sum of passengerWeight and cargoWeight is less than or equal maxWeight....

7 years ago


Food safety
Assign safeTemperature with 1 if foodTemperature is less than 40 or greater than 165.

7 years ago


Binary Coder
Take an input number and print the binary value of this number.

7 years ago


Symmetry of vector
Determine whether the vector is symmetric or not (vector could be even or odd in length). For example: x = [1 2 3 3 2 1] ...

7 years ago


random picture with random colours
write a function which creates a random(x,y) matrix with random RGB colours for example create_pic(5,5) gives us a 3d matrix. ...

7 years ago


Back to basics 24 - Symbolic variables
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given a string algebraic expression, return the symbolic variabl...

7 years ago


Armstrong Number
Determine whether the given input n-digit number is Armstrong Number or not. Return True if it is an Armstrong Number. An n-D...

7 years ago


Bridge toll
Complete the example to calculate finalToll. The base toll for a bridge is baseToll. If the vehicle's weight is over 5,000 pound...

7 years ago


Multiply by 3
Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by three and put the result in y.

7 years ago


Writing a while loop
Write a while loop that continues to increment userValue by 5 until userValue is less than 0.

7 years ago


While loop: Summation
Write a while loop that assigns summedValue with the sum of all values from 1 to userNum. Assume userNum is always greater than ...

7 years ago


Sophie Germain prime
In number theory, a prime number p is a *Sophie Germain prime* if 2p + 1 is also prime. For example, 23 is a Sophie Germain prim...

7 years ago


Is it an Armstrong number?
An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to the number itself. Fo...

7 years ago


Remove the two elements next to NaN value
The aim is to *remove the two elements next to NaN values* inside a vector. For example: x = [6 10 5 8 9 NaN 23 9 7 3 21 ...

7 years ago


DC chopper
Input x is the sampled signal vector, may have both AC and DC components. output vector y should have AC components removed then...

7 years ago


ASCii Code
Using matlab, give the symbol that is associated with ASCii code 122

7 years ago


Detect a number and replace with two NaN's
Write code which replaces the number 1 with two NaNs. Example X = [ 1 2 NaN 4 1 3 7 NaN 1 4 NaN 2] ...

7 years ago


Vectors counting by 2
Create a vector numbers from 7 to 15 in increments of 2

7 years ago


Magic is simple (for beginners)
Determine for a magic square of order n, the magic sum m. For example m=15 for a magic square of order 3.

7 years ago


If you toss an even number (x) of coins, what is the probability (y) of 50% head and 50% tail?

7 years ago

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