UIGETFILE to filter out files with specific string
This submission from the file exchange might be what you are looking for:

10 years ago | 0

Change sublot size and position
You can play with the subplot command to make the first graph span multiple subplot spots. Here is a simple example where the si...

10 years ago | 0

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How do I compile correctly a MATLAB GUI with the App Compiler?
Do you use global and/or persistent variables? If so you might want to get rid of them because standalone applications do not li...

10 years ago | 0

Method to count number of observations by category
what about: size(s(s == 1.00),1)) which would give you the number of occurences in s meeting the criterion. Or maybe...

10 years ago | 0

Creating an array with variables or a loop
You can move the dat(...) inside your for-loop: dat =cell(NumFiles,6); % NumFiles is the # of images you have. for k=1:N...

10 years ago | 1

How to convert a multipage tif image in RGB into Grayscale
So you have one single RGB image? If so you can use rgb2gray(Image) to get the grayscale. Otherwise you can access indi...

10 years ago | 0

Remove '%' sign in pie chart
From what I saw on the help, I think you need to create a cell array containing the labels you want, that is without % Their ...

10 years ago | 0

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How to find an average of multiple images?
What is the class of I? It looks like sumI and I are not of the same class. Eg. if it is uint8, then use this line when you d...

10 years ago | 0

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How to display values from MATLAB standalone windows deployment executable?
My guess would be that the "disp" command is only used to display stuff in the command window in the Matlab environment; for a s...

10 years ago | 0

How to get a only one table with a for loop?
What if you take the following commands out of the for-loop?: f=figure; data = {media,Std,DMA}; ColNames={'Med...

10 years ago | 0

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How to change the numbering system in the y axis? pitcure inside
Maybe this: set(gca,'YTick', 0:1E5:8E5);

10 years ago | 0

Easy Question, update scatter point in loop
What if you try this: x1{1} = [.2; .3]; x2{1} = [.3; .4]; x3{1} = [.5; .6]; x4{1} = [.6; .7]; k = 1; figure for k = 1...

10 years ago | 0

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Setting 'FaceAlpha'<1 for a patch object causes x- and y- axes of the plot to dissapear. Why and how can this be corrected?
I changed your code a bit and set the linewidth property to 1.5 (actually any value larger than 1.5 worked) and it seems to be o...

10 years ago | 0

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why legend for multiple matrix is not showing the appropriate data?
When I run your code I get this: <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/14610/Fig_Rand.jpg>> Could you be more precis...

10 years ago | 2

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Loop putting information into a new variable matrix
Since pixel_info is a cell array you might want to use curly braces {} to access the information it contains, so you would not g...

10 years ago | 0

Switch Case when a value stagnates
Here is a simple solution to detect the first occurence of values repeated 3 times; you could customize it to be more genera...

10 years ago | 1

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Convert cell into double
If all your entries are numbers you can use cell2mat. Is that the case?

10 years ago | 0

Getting Data out of a Char/String
You might want to use regular expressions and the "match" option. Here is a simple example: If you write this: file_info...

10 years ago | 0

Error message in Intensity-Based Automatic Image Registration
It might be that you need to use grayscale images (using rgb2gray). Eg: movingRegisteredDefault = imregister (rgb2gray(movi...

10 years ago | 0

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Can't drag rectangle object in GUI axis for large images
I found a workaround to the problem; it has to do with the call to imshow just before calling imrect. In imshow I have to sp...

10 years ago | 0

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Can't drag rectangle object in GUI axis for large images
I'm making a GUI (with GUIDE) in which there is an axis used to display image sequences. In order to let the user select a regio...

10 years ago | 2 answers | 0



how to save variable from class of GUI to workspace?
Maybe you could use setappdata(...) in your GUI to store dial() and then use getappdata(...) to retrieve it in the workspace? I ...

10 years ago | 0

How to clear a particular field in GUI?
You could set the 'String' property to '' so that it displays an empty string: set(YourHandle,'String',''); or you could...

10 years ago | 0


Using the Tiff class to read image sequences instead of stacks
Hi there, I want to read (as fast as possible of course) multi-dimensionnal (5D) microscopy images (eg. Height x Width x Chan...

10 years ago | 0 answers | 0




GUI does not recognize existing handles after using addlistener
0 down vote favorite I am quite new to MATLAB GUI programming (using GUIDE sorry) and I have an annoying issue: The GUI d...

10 years ago | 1 answer | 0




Save a Tiff image to open as RGB with ImageJ
Hi my question is quite simple but I can't find a way to solve my little problem. How can we save an image in RGB format so t...

10 years ago | 1 answer | 0




Overlay a scale bar over a running movie
Hi, I have a GUI (made with GUIDE) in which an image sequence stored as a movie container is displayed inside an axes. The di...

11 years ago | 1 answer | 0




Export 5D image sequence in tif (and HDF5) formats
I'm looking for a way to export 5D image sequences in the tif and HDF5 formats. Sequences are made of RGB images and contain dep...

11 years ago | 0 answers | 0




Waitbar in a spmd block in a GUI?
Is there a way to monitor the progress of a calculation inside a spmd block? In the example below I would use a waitbar inside t...

11 years ago | 2 answers | 0

