Help vectorize my poor code or make it faster
If your y and z values are all integers then I think this will work in place of the nested for loops: idx = sub2ind(size(ma...

14 years ago | 1

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How do I start matlab from shell in 32 bit mode
Use the win32 option: matlab -win32

14 years ago | 0

Log scale graphic with negative value
When you choose "log" as the scale for an axis, Matlab either chooses to use log10(x) or -log10(-x) as the transform, depending ...

14 years ago | 4

'horzcat' error when using dicomread() within a for-loop
In the call to dicomwrite you have tried to concatenate the matrix of pixel data (I) with the name of the file - basically, you ...

14 years ago | 1

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data cursor errer
This error is caused by having a script called "line" on the MATLAB path and this is "shadowing" the built-in MATLAB line functi...

14 years ago | 0