
Draw 'H'
Draw a x-by-x matrix 'H' using 1 and 0. (x is odd and bigger than 2) Example: x=5 ans= [1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 ...

6 years ago


Draw 'O' !
Given n as input, generate a n-by-n matrix 'O' using 0 and 1 . example: n=4 ans= [1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 ...

6 years ago


The maximum sum of squares (testing)
Create a function file with an input maxval to determine the maximum number of terms for the series 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + ... such t...

6 years ago


String revert
Revert all words in a sting x for example, if x = 'this is a sentence' then y should be 'sentence a is this'

6 years ago


Return the length of the longest word in the string.
Example: Input s='A fractal is a natural phenomenon or a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating pattern that display...

6 years ago


sum of ASCII
Given a string x, return the sum of all ASCII numbers of all characters. for example, if x='lala' ('l'-> 108, 'a'->97) then y...

6 years ago


How to Concatenate two strings?
How to Concatenate two strings?

6 years ago


Do operation as per given string
Do operation as per given string Example: '3*5' then answer must be 15; '3+5' then answer must be 8; '35' then answer ...

6 years ago


Calculate the CIRCUMFERENCE of circle.
Given the radius is 2, the circumference will be 12.5663.

6 years ago


Find names/words that start and end with the same letter.
Find names/words (from a string) that start and end with the same letter. * Case-insensitive. * If a name/word is not at the...

6 years ago


design a magic matrix without using the command magic.
Like magic(4) = 16 3 2 13;5 10 11 8;9 6 7 12;4 15 14 1

6 years ago


Make combination of two given matrices.
Make a combination of the two given matrices as a given example. Example: input1 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; input2 = [7 8; 9 10...

6 years ago


Count the number of letters in a given string. For Example: STR='The MAtlAb code'; output:T 2 H 1 E 2 M 1 A 2 L 1 B 1 C ...

6 years ago


Converting binary to decimals
Convert binary to decimals. Example: 010111 = 23. 110000 = 48.

6 years ago


Find the mean of two vectors
Take two vectors, and output the mean of them (bonus if you don't use the in-built mean function)

6 years ago


Calculate the logarithm of number
Calculate the logarithm of number x

6 years ago


Problem 44444 !!! free beer everyone
just say hallelujah to solve this problem

6 years ago


Matrix multiplication
Multiply two incoming matrices via matrix multiplication

6 years ago


Vector with a repeated entry
Create a row vector of length n, filled with 4's. For example, if n = 3, output = [4 4 4] Hint: Search for the function...

6 years ago


Natural numbers in string form
Create a cell array of strings containing the first n natural numbers. _Slightly_ harder than it seems like it should be. Ex...

6 years ago


Cody Computer Part 4 : Are you a morning Cody player Addicted ?
This is a stupid Cody challenge. You just have to *click "Submit" between 7 and 9 AM.* ... Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). To see ...

6 years ago


Find hen's weight.
If hen weights x kilos on two legs, how much does it weights on one leg? Output the result.

6 years ago


Check availability of a number in an array
An array is given A=[1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10]. Find whether the number n is present in given array or not. If the number n is prese...

6 years ago


Set x value to each odd index of vector y.
Set x value to each odd index of vector y.

6 years ago


Matrix Max Finder
Output the maximum value in a matrix

6 years ago


Set x value to each even index of vector y.
Set x value to each even index of vector y.

6 years ago


Rotate Matrix Depending on the input
Rotate matrix (CounterClockwise) via 90, 180 or -90 depending on the input Ex. a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] b = 90; ...

6 years ago


Display positive elements of matrix.
Display positive elements of matrix.

6 years ago


find the mean of all elements in a matrix
given a matrix, just find the mean of all elements in the matrix

6 years ago


Sum positive elements of matrix.
Calculate sum of positive elements of the matrix.

6 years ago

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