How to solve system of nonlinear ODEs with "unusual" boundary conditions?
If you are talking about boundary value problems versus initial value problems, look at bvp4c and bvp5c. There is nothing "unusu...

4 years ago | 0

Euler's Method/Improved Euler's Method
The error is telling you that at the first step of your loop (n=1), you are trying to access the n=2nd element of t and y, but a...

4 years ago | 0

set uiaxes in matlab function as current figure to plot on
I would argue that it makes more sense (more elegant) to require specifying the parent axes to plot. The way that you want may c...

4 years ago | 0

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How to solve unknown coefficients for an exponential fit equation iteratively?
MattJ's answer takes y0 to be known, which Yi Jiao clarified is not the case. Treating y0 unknown and extending MattJ's answer l...

4 years ago | 0

Is there a simpler or more efficient way to do the following?
You could for example do this function B = label1(A) [rows,cols] = size(A); B = ["",string(1:cols);[string((1:rows)')+char(9)...

4 years ago | 0

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How to filter a structure based on part of nested field names
It's not 100% clear where you are stuck, but it sounds like knowing about "fieldnames()" will help. For data structure design, ...

4 years ago | 1

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Simulate image data representative of a real experiment
Bjorn's answer contains the conv2() route to blurring fK = exp(-X.^2/dx^2-Y.^2/dy^2); fK = fK/sum(fK(:)); Im = conv(full(dIm)...

4 years ago | 0

deconvolution of impedance spectra
the deconvolution operation is denoted "deconv" in base matlab. whether this is what you are looking for is unclear from your qu...

4 years ago | 0

Caclulate Horizonzal Area Between Two Curves And Minimize This Area (Optimization Problem)
Take a look at this: clc; close all; clear; % it looks like these are ultimately the curves you want to compare f1 = @(x)...

4 years ago | 1

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Appropriate Weights in Exponential Fit
The choice of weighting is unrelated to the computing platform... If you want to use an inverse variance weighting strategy, to...

4 years ago | 0

How to speed up the simulation time of a big system of ODEs?
don't use syms

4 years ago | 0

Indexing arrays of binned data
From what I can gather, it hsould be possible to reorganize your experimental data into a Nx6 matrix called Data, where N is the...

4 years ago | 0

regression line in quadratic form
[edited] Alternatively, just create a new variable to hold an already sorted "model" experience N = 200; % choose an arbitrary ...

4 years ago | 1

Reading large excel file using "read" command takes ~5 minutes, is this expected performance?
Try manually creating the import options with spreadsheetimportoptions().

4 years ago | 1

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How to use datetime as a condition in foor loop?
i believe you can, you just have coded it as a comparison of a datetime to a string. A(i,1) == datetime(2019,1,dd)

4 years ago | 0

How to fill the gaps in a patch plot through adaptive interpolation
If you reduce your current patches into single (x,y) coordinates, e.g., center of mass, then you can triangulate/find the vorono...

4 years ago | 0

How to fill the gaps in a patch plot through adaptive interpolation
You could add in "corners" where your red curves intersect the y-axes as new (x,y) coordinates, then do a convexhull on them. Th...

4 years ago | 0

Preallocation with object structures
I don't think you are understanding "preallocation" correctly based on your last example...matlab is [probably] asking you to "r...

4 years ago | 1

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Creation of a mask on RGB image
Instead of multiplying pixels in the mask by a constant value, you can mulitply all pixels by an "image" of the saturation multi...

4 years ago | 1

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Reading data with multiple headers
other experts on the forum for text parsing may have better ways, but you can scan through line by line and apply regular expres...

4 years ago | 0

How can I get points coordinate on an axes made in GUI?
It sounds like the click is being "intercepted" by the object that you drew on the axes (please don't use the word "figure", bec...

4 years ago | 0

ax.DataAspectRatio = [1,1,1] also ax.Projection = "perspective" and various other "camera"-related properties like: cameravie...

4 years ago | 0

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How an I manipulate top and bottom x axes individually?
Actually, dpb's suggestion of 2 axes should work as long as you don't turn "box on", and you may need to sync their positions if...

4 years ago | 0

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Logical Indexing instead of loops in 3D-Matrices
What is the purpose of vectorization? Is it for imagined speed gains, or just an "in principle" question? Bruno's answer is fas...

4 years ago | 2

How can I insert a square root in y-axis of curve ?
You can use latex ylabel('$$\theta \quad \left(10^{-3} \mathrm{C/m} \sqrt{\mathrm{kg}}\right)$$','Interpreter','latex') also ...

4 years ago | 2

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Multiple linear regression coefficient calculation
Assuming your data are in rows (y is a column vector), isn't that just X=[ones(size(x1)),x1,x3,x3] see https://www.mathworks...

4 years ago | 0

How to vectorize an equation involving pair-wise distance computation, to improve the speed of computation?
I think you should be able to loop only once over the reference point , then take then compute difference vectorially. Also, in...

4 years ago | 1

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How can I draw the following blue color tone intensity figure using the Newtons Raphson basin of attraction code?
Organize your "list" of initial guesses (x,y) as a meshgrid [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) Then easier to loop through the "unwrapped" ...

4 years ago | 0

how to merge multiple timetable
If the tables have the same columns, you should be able to simply vertically concatenate them and sort t0 = sortrows(vertcat(t1...

4 years ago | 1

Plotting 3D graph with ODEs
If your ODE result "population(t)" a scalar value, then yes, you can use surf() if your [A,B] is defined using meshgrid.

4 years ago | 0

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