Indexing concurrent array elements and incrementing
First you could use "reshape" to create a 2D array whose rows corresponds to a record, then slice up the 2D array into however m...

4 years ago | 0

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UITable in app designer-Matlab
I think this works if you have a recent version of matlab, you can place the uitable inside a uigridlayout, and set the "cell" h...

4 years ago | 2

Counting occurrence of keys and values for Containers.Map in another Containers.Map
Just considering the keys, you can use ismember (though I'm not sure why there's a limitation that cells must be cell arrays of ...

4 years ago | 0

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How do I plot logarithmic error?
In log space, spacing is multiplicative, not additive, so you want to express your top and bottom curves as multiples of your ba...

4 years ago | 0

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How do I plot logarithmic error?
use the log10() function? The question isn't super clear...

4 years ago | 0

Convert numerical equations to latex
Assuming the results will always be integers, here's a simple way %==== Numerical Values (Unrounded) ============== a = 128387...

4 years ago | 0

find indices of each first repeated elements in the array (full of repeated values)
It's too early for me to attempt to understand your 2nd problem, but for the first problem try using "diff" indexB0 = [1,1+find...

4 years ago | 0

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Fitting 2D Gaussian to histogram
If you only need the center, you can just take the mean in each direction x = mean(A) y = mean(B)

4 years ago | 0

Make axis background transparent
For traditional axes, you can set the "Color" property to "none" ax = axes("Color","none")

4 years ago | 2

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importing an empty text column rather than a number column
Are you already using something like detectImportOptions() or spreadsheetImportOptions()? If not, look at that And then look at...

4 years ago | 1

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Write to an already opened Excel file
If Excel is already running by the time you want to run this with the target file open, you can't just start a new excel instanc...

4 years ago | 1

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Creating a new object from existing object but after excluding one specific property.
If you actually mean structures, as your example suggests, are you aware of "isfield", which will check if a structure contains ...

4 years ago | 0

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Remove tick marks for axes
An easy way to "fake" this after setting "Box" to "off", as Peng Li suggests, is to make xline and yline. But it wouldn't be dyn...

4 years ago | 0

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How to find the gradient of a parameter which is not direct solution of a function
Determining l1 for a "target Gam4" value appears not to be an optimization problem, but another root-finding problem. It seems t...

4 years ago | 0

How to use ode15s with a constant that varies by two parameters?
From you description, it sounds like you want to do the average over d-values outside of our ODE solution. But in your code, you...

4 years ago | 0

How do I go about plotting points from ODE45 with this?
yes, your odefun looks wrong, it looks like you did not correctly apply matrix algebra to get the separate equations from your m...

4 years ago | 0

How can I use fmincon to solve problems with ODEs
I presume you mean to use r at some specific time, where r(0) (or some other time) is known - a standard 1D ODE. with some in...

4 years ago | 0

How to get the solution to a GIVEN input VECTOR using ode45 solver
If you're just looking for code to extract some element out of your ode45 solution: tAll = nan(1,length(u_opt)); xAll = nan(4,...

4 years ago | 0

Separating and extracting data using edge detection
since it appears you have the image processing toolbox (access to "edge"), have you looked into "regionprops"? If you're label...

4 years ago | 0

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Solution to 2nd order ode containing time varying coeficients using ode45
can you use the code editor functionality to display code? Multiple issues: you don't need to "run" the gglpr9 t...

4 years ago | 0

How to amend the names of all variables in all tables in the current workspace
You can still "bandaid" your situation up by reading the named tables in your workspace into the cell array that could have been...

4 years ago | 1

Parallelized ODE45 solution with 3D spline
Can you just pass the variables spx spy spz to func_xy as additional arguments? q=1.6e-19; m=400*1.6e-27; odeOpts = odeset(...

4 years ago | 0

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Given a point, locate 3 point in different 8 directions.
Or since there is a built-in called improfile (with one toolbox or another), you can skip the convolutions for gradients, take t...

4 years ago | 0

Given a point, locate 3 point in different 8 directions.
as long as we're guessing at the problem, an approach that would alleviate the need for line scans would be to rotate the source...

4 years ago | 0

Flipping the axis starting value of a plot in matlab
Does this do what you want figure(i); dscatter(X,Y); colorbar; hold on set(gca,'YDir','reverse') % <- added this line

4 years ago | 0

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time dependent constant to solve 1st order ODE via ode45
Seems like you just need Tw to be a function of T (of var(1)). function diffeqs= ode_sys(t,var) T=var(1); ...

4 years ago | 0

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How to dynamically define limits forplot from user input in app designer?
Do not use a loop. Use the edit boxes, and use their callback functions to set the axis limits. It sounds like you should take ...

4 years ago | 0

How to remove all background noise due to inappropraite lighting from my pre-processed image and get better edge defination??
try smoothing before you apply your edge detector, not after same goes for your power law (gamma correction?) alternatively/al...

4 years ago | 0

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Paste Data to Editable Table in AppDesigner UI
when you say you don't want to use xlsread, is it that you don't want to force usage of excel, or you don't want to read files a...

4 years ago | 0

How to binary clone a file using fread and fwrite commands
For your application does it make sense to just copy the file using a system command or matlab's coyfile?

4 years ago | 1

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