How to plot values with different color with "if statement"
look at the documentation for the "scatter()" command. can you do what you want with that?

4 years ago | 0

App inside app question
If not more than 1 image needs to be displayed at once, maybe just save all the image data internally, have only one axes, and h...

4 years ago | 1

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Selection of data in timetable
Hmm, so the question is about periodic time ranges...there might be a better way, but maybe you can use "isbetween" on an auxili...

4 years ago | 0

How can i select cell from table in app designer?
The UITable has a callback for selection

4 years ago | 0

Reading data from ASCII file
It would have been helpful to know these things in advance (you hinted at the first, but say it explicitly) Data contains multi...

4 years ago | 0

Surface Fit over image
Here's my first pass thoughts: First steps: Obtain X and Y coordinates of your pixels ensure your pixel values are of type do...

4 years ago | 1

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How to identify ui component classes that other ui components can be children of
I am trying to identify ui components like uipanels, uigridlayouts, uitabs, etc., that may contain other ui components as childr...

4 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Plotting points in 3D with mesh
For just visualizing the chosen data in a surface, does this look like what you want? clc; close all; clear; N = 500; X...

4 years ago | 0

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How can I solve a partial derivative equation if it does not contain a time derivative in MATLAB?
If you mean by "no time variable" that your equation is elliptic in more than 1 independent variable, then unfortunately you'll ...

4 years ago | 0

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[App Designer] Get the object indentifier that triggered the callback
I think a cleaner way is to pass an identifier with the callback definition: ASpinner.ValueChangedFcn = @(evnt)app.VChanged(evn...

4 years ago | 0

Plotting a graphic output of an external function in APPDESIGNER, more specifically the uiaxes
If there is no way to activate a uiaxes programmatically, you can try to create a regular axes in app designer in the startupfcn...

4 years ago | 0

Roots of a two variables equation involving a numerical integration
Assuming x and y are scalars and there is a solution, use fsolve, not an optimization algorithm. You'll need initial guesses. Th...

4 years ago | 1

Accessing an element of an array using an array as its index.
Interesting...I guess your question title should be edited to "use array as subscripts into multidimensional array". I dug into ...

4 years ago | 0

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Struct to numeric variable
At the risk of having misunderstood: new_var = [structname.fieldname] This would work if you structname is a structure array 4...

4 years ago | 0

How can I specify the way components resize automatically in App Designer?
"uigridlayout" was introduced in 2018b, which may be helpful...It allows pretty sophisticated layouts, although it still seems b...

4 years ago | 2

How to add the value of the 3 highest elements automatically from a vector?
like this? [~,idx] = maxk(y,3) y(idx) = y(idx) + sx Are x1 and x2 irrelevant to your question?

4 years ago | 0

How to map a vector to a colourmap ?
A brute force way would be to interpolate...not sure if there's a better way x = % ... data vector indices = 0:255; xref = ...

4 years ago | 1

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Making a square figure with pcolor
Your coordinate grid matrices x and y are not "aligned" with the axes. You can see this if you just do plot3(x,y,zeros(size(x)...

4 years ago | 0

Getting Cell location of checkboxes on selection (UITable)
Is it as simple as defining a CellEditCallback?

4 years ago | 0

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Is there an automatic way to find the centre of this circularly-symmetric pattern?
This would be not at all efficient and maybe not robust, but you could pose a minimization problem: Find the coordinates (Xc,Yc...

4 years ago | 0

How can I create binEdges?
It looks like your problem is not with binning, but the fact that you have NaN's in your data. By the way if you have 2014b or ...

4 years ago | 0

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Extracting particular x and y data points from a figure
Thinking in terms of graphs is useful but only takes you so far. The point is how to think about the data and/or functions under...

4 years ago | 0

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Help in implementing ode45 in app designer
Static methods don't assume that the app is passed as the first argument, so remove "app" from the arg list methods (Static) ...

4 years ago | 0

Validate and get exact number of characters using the regular expression
Try out_str = regexp(str, '[A-Z]+-[0-9]{2}$', 'match');

4 years ago | 1

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How to initialize a new matrix of the same type as an existing variable?
I am not sure if this works for symbolic type, but you can initialize an array of arbitrary type by specifying the "last" elemen...

4 years ago | 0

How to remove outliers based on datetime
What if you ran statistics on real or integer representations of datetime, using datenum() or something?

4 years ago | 0

lsqcurvefit initial point is always a local minimum, relative first-order optimality is always = 0
I think you have a typo here: F = @(v,cur_data_wave_x) amplitude*(offset + cos(v0(1)*(cur_data_wave_x) + v0(2))); should rathe...

4 years ago | 0

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Applying a for loop to every column in a vector
Agree with KSSV, avoid naming as "max", but in this case it is not causing your problem. Your problem is that "index" should no...

4 years ago | 0

How to choose 5 random rows from an array of 8 rows for 10 times and save the 10 results
if order doesn't matter (6,4,8,7,2 is the same as 4,6,8,7,2) doc nchoosek if order does matter (6,4,8,7,2 is different from 4,...

4 years ago | 1

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solving a second spatial derivative using ode45
This comment is incorrect: % Create a two element vector that holds the derivative equations of u and % v % U(1) is u and U(2...

4 years ago | 0

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