Confusion in matrix multiplication and dimensions
Since there are several signals in the matrix being plotted, one option would be to plot them in 3D instead. Those optioons cou...

16 days ago | 2

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Why does a marketing web page open every time I use documentation?
I am not certain that I can reproduce the behaviour that you report (although I am not certain that I understand what it is). W...

16 days ago | 0

butterworth 필터 적용시 신호 발산
I am not certain what you are asking. Fs = 32768; %data_signal의 sampling 주파수 n = 6; %butterworth 필터 차수 wn = 5; %cut off fr...

16 days ago | 1

why am I Unable to overplot a line on a surface plot?
Plotting on the surface itself is straightforward. It simply requires using the scatteredInterpolant function to create and plo...

17 days ago | 0

Put arrow and its value in a plot
The 'textarrow' coordinates have to adapt to the data and then correct for the reversed y-axis direction. Try this — load(...

18 days ago | 0

Hi, How can I create an FIR from difference of two impulse responses?
I slightly changed your original code here, in order to define my questions about it. It is possible to use the firls functio...

19 days ago | 0

[ideas wanted]: How to find "peaks" of sloping signal?
The online ability to run scripts seems to be broken. I used MATLAB Online to devise this — % LD = load('data.mat') file = ...

22 days ago | 1

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Computing error and plotting its graph
The reason the code fails is that: abs(x1-xx) is a (1 x 51) vector (because ‘x1’ is also a (1 x 51) vector), and it’s not pos...

24 days ago | 1

Calculating the aortic flow downstream valve using Womersley and 3-element Windkessel model calculations from my FSI results - Why unusual sine waves at the end of flow curve?
I’m not familiar with your abbreviations. FSI = ? STJ = ? Beyond that, your code runs without error. Please explain what...

24 days ago | 0

generate white noise signal with certain bandwidth?
The filtered signal iis no longer a white-noise signal, although the original signal is. Try this — Fs = 1000; ...

24 days ago | 0

Powerline interference in ECG
Try this — Fs = 256; % Signal Sampling Frequency Fn = Fs/2; ...

25 days ago | 0

How can I solve this confidence level error?
You are plotting it incorrectly. Use this: loglog(f_pressure, Pxxc_pressure, 'r', 'LineWidth', 1.5); instead of: loglog(...

26 days ago | 0

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Detecting storms from wave height data
I am not certain what you want. Try this — load ('H.mat'); %3 hour data whos('-file','H.mat') threshold=1 % t = linspace...

27 days ago | 0

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Płot sample of signal
The number of samples you need to plot is equal to the sampling frequeency multiplied by the number of seconds. Fs = 1000; t...

28 days ago | 0

How to solve this equations using matlab code,I use solve but I have obtained a wrong and strange solution, and I don't know why.
It would help to have your code. See if using the vpa function will produce a moree understandable reesult, specifically: ...

29 days ago | 0

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Process Reaction Curve: Ziegler-Nichols rules
I’m not certain that I understand what you’re asking. See if the System Identification Toolbox procest function will do what ...

29 days ago | 0

Would you please help me to install and use FFmpeg?
Use your favourite search engine and the search string: ffmpeg windows I found several sites that apparently show how to do tha...

29 days ago | 1

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Set decimal place for uitable
It may be necessary to create a string variablee or character array to get what you want, because MATLAB will use full precision...

29 days ago | 0

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Reading data in MATLAB
Try this — % T = readtable('data_Labor1_CH1_AnAusSpannung.txt','VariableNamingRule','preserve') T = readtable('data_Labor1_CH...

29 days ago | 0

Can someone help to teach how i want to upload this file into matlab and try preprocessing ?
See the documentation section on Import or Export a Sequence of Files. More specifically, I would do something like this: f...

1 month ago | 0

Filtering nose and removing spikes at local areas
The findpeaks function may be an option, however it defines a peak as having a lower values on each side of it, so it will not p...

1 month ago | 0

Can't access data using " .DateTime " string
Perhaps this — imshow(imread('peppers.png')) metadata = imfinfo('peppers.png') DateTime = datetime(metadata.FileModDate) ....

1 month ago | 0

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Format scientific decimal place bar plot
I wrote some utility functions for just this purpose for my own use a few years ago. Try this — load('data_c.mat'); x = un...

1 month ago | 0

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Trying to Filer Baseline Signal Noise - Getting Additional Peaks at High Frequencies
The problem may be your filter design. If you have R2018a or later and the Signal Processing Toolbox, use the highpass functi...

1 month ago | 0

Constructing a string with several index requirements
I’m not certain what you need, however this is one option — r2 = [0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210]; command=['S...

1 month ago | 0

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Scatter Plot following a colormap regulation
The DisplayName name-value pair will use that information for the legend entry for each plotted pont. If you want the station n...

1 month ago | 0

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Plot files with legend names indicated from a value from each file
All the files have the same format, so this is straightforward — mats = dir('*.mat'); numprof = numel(mats); couleur = jet...

1 month ago | 0

Integration symbiolic form in matlab gives error
If you have R2012a or later, use the integral2 function instead — Part_1=@(r,theta) 1+(2.*(1+r.*cos(theta))).^2; W_i=@(r,thet...

1 month ago | 0

Assistance Needed with FIR Comb Peak and Notch Filter Design in MATLAB
The peak filter was a bit challenging, however I got it to work reasonably well. The comb filter may not exactly meet your de...

1 month ago | 1

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curve fitting using lsqcurvefit on kinetic data for parameter estimation
The model itself is a bit misleading. A better option might be: That produces an equivalent fit with paramete...

1 month ago | 0

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