Handwriting Recognition Using Bagged Classification Trees
This example shows how to recognize handwritten digits using an ensemble of bagged classification trees. Images of handwritten digits are first used to train a single classification tree and then an ensemble of 200 decision trees. The classification performance of each is compared to one another using a confusion matrix.
%See the references section for information on obtaining the dataset.
clear load('usps_all'); reduce_dim = false; X = double(reshape(data,256,11000)'); ylabel = [1:9 0]; y = reshape(repmat(ylabel,1100,1),11000,1); clearvars data
figure(1) for ii = 1:6 subplot(2,3,ii) rand_num = randperm(11000,1); image(reshape(X(rand_num,:),16,16)) title((y(rand_num)),'FontSize',20) axis off end colormap gray

cv = cvpartition(y, 'holdout', .5);
Xtrain = X(cv.training,:);
Ytrain = y(cv.training,1);
Xtest = X(cv.test,:);
Ytest = y(cv.test,1);
mdl_ctree = ClassificationTree.fit(Xtrain,Ytrain); ypred = predict(mdl_ctree,Xtest); Confmat_ctree = confusionmat(Ytest,ypred);
mdl = fitensemble(Xtrain,Ytrain,'bag',200,'tree','type','Classification'); ypred = predict(mdl,Xtest); Confmat_bag = confusionmat(Ytest,ypred);
figure confusionchart(Confmat_ctree) title('Confusion Matrix: Single Classification Tree') figure confusionchart(Confmat_bag) title('Confusion Matrix: Ensemble of Bagged Classification Trees')

Bagged classification trees perform much better than a single classification tree on the training set since the confusion matrix is more dominantly diagonal.
Visualization generated using Customizable Heat Maps.
MAT file for the images are located here.