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Implement wind-related simulations, such as turbulence, gust, shear, horizontal wind

Use wind blocks to add the effects of wind in flight simulations by including mathematical representations from the MIL-F-8785C and MIL-HDBK-1797 standards and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Horizontal Wind Models (HWM).


Discrete Wind Gust ModelGenerate discrete wind gust
Dryden Wind Turbulence Model (Continuous)Generate continuous wind turbulence with Dryden velocity spectra
Dryden Wind Turbulence Model (Discrete)Generate discrete wind turbulence with Dryden velocity spectra
Horizontal Wind ModelTransform horizontal wind into body-axes coordinates
Horizontal Wind Model 07Implement Horizontal Wind Model 07
Horizontal Wind Model 14Implement Horizontal Wind Model 14
Von Karman Wind Turbulence Model (Continuous)Generate continuous wind turbulence with Von Kármán velocity spectra
Wind Shear ModelCalculate wind shear conditions
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