pos = states(sat) returns
a 3-by-n-by-m array of the position history
pos of each satellite in the vector sat, where
n is the number of time samples and m is the number
of satellites. The rows represent the x, y, and
z coordinates of the satellite in the Geocentric Celestial Reference
Frame (GCRF).
pos = states(pltf)
returns a 3-by-n-by-p array of the position history
pos of each platform in the vector pltf, where
n is the number of time samples and p is the number
of platform. The rows represent the x, y, and
z coordinates of the platform in the Geocentric Celestial Reference
Frame (GCRF).
[pos,velocity] = states(sat)
returns a 3-by-n-by-m array of the inertial velocity
velocity of each satellite in the vector sat in
the GCRF.
[pos,velocity] = states(pltf)
returns a 3-by-n-by-p array of the inertial velocity
velocity of each platform in the vector pltf in
the GCRF.
[___] = states(sat,timeIn)
returns one or both of the outputs as 3-by-1-by-m arrays in addition to
the position at the specified datetime timeIn. If no time zone is
specified in timeIn, the time zone is assumed to be Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC).
[___] = states(pltf,timeIn)
returns one or both of the outputs as 3-by-1-by-p arrays in addition to
the position at the specified datetime timeIn. If no time zone is
specified in timeIn, the time zone is assumed to be Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC).
[___] = states(___,CoordinateFrame=c)
returns the outputs in the coordinates specified by c.
[pos,velocity,timeOut] = states(___)
returns the position, velocity history, and the corresponding datetime in UTC for satellites
or platforms.
startTime = datetime(2021,5,25); % May 25, 2021, 12:00 AM UTC
stopTime = datetime(2021,5,26); % May 26, 2021, 12:00 AM UTC
sampleTime = 60; % In seconds
sc = satelliteScenario(startTime,stopTime,sampleTime);
Add a satellite to the scenario.
tleFile = "eccentricOrbitSatellite.tle";
sat = satellite(sc,tleFile);
Obtain the position and velocity of the satellite in the Earth-centered Earth-fixed (ECEF) frame corresponding to May 25, 2021, 10:30 PM UTC.
time = datetime(2021,5,25,22,30,0);
[position,velocity] = states(sat,time,"CoordinateFrame","ecef")
Satellite, specified as a row vector of Satellite
pltf — Platform row vector of Platform objects
Platform, specified as a row vector of Platform objects.
timeIn — Time at which output is calculated datetime scalar
Time at which the output is calculated, specified as a datetime scalar. If
no time zone is specified in timeIn, the time zone is assumed to be
c — Coordinate frame 'inertial' | 'ecef' | 'geographic'
Coordinate frame in which the outputs are returned, specified as
'inertial', 'ecef', or
The 'inertial' option returns the position and velocity
coordinates in the GCRF.
The 'ecef' option returns the position and velocity
coordinates in the ECEF frame. For more information on ECEF frames, see Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed Coordinates.
The 'geographic' option returns the position as
[lat; lon; altitude],
where lat and lon are latitude and longitude
in degrees and altitude is the height above the surface of the Earth in meters.
The velocity returned is in the North-East-Down (NED) frame.
Position history of the satellites in meters, returned as a
3-by-n-by-m array in the GCRF.
n is the number of time samples and m is the
number of satellites.
Velocity history of the satellites in meters per second, returned as a
3-by-n-by-m array in the GCRF.
n is the number of time samples and m is the
number of satellites.
timeOut — Time samples of position and velocity scalar | vector
Time samples of the position and velocity of the satellites, returned as a scalar or
vector. If time histories of the position and velocity of the satellite are returned,
timeOut is a row vector.
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