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Hide all graphics in satellite scenario viewer

Since R2021a


hideAll(viewer) hides all graphics in the specified satellite scenario viewer.



collapse all

Create a satellite scenario object.

sc = satelliteScenario;

Add satellites to the scenario.

tleFile = "leoSatelliteConstellation.tle";
sats = satellite(sc,tleFile);

Add a hundred ground stations to the scenario.

latitudes = linspace(-90,90,100);            % degrees
longitudes = linspace(-180,180,100);         % degrees
gss = groundStation(sc,latitudes,longitudes);

Visualize the scenario using the Satellite Scenario Viewer.

v = satelliteScenarioViewer(sc);

Hide all graphics in the viewer.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Satellite Scenario Viewer, specified as a scalar satelliteScenarioViewer object.1

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

1 Alignment of boundaries and region labels are a presentation of the feature provided by the data vendors and do not imply endorsement by MathWorks®.

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