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Placeholder value for output port result

Since R2024b


A bioinfo.pipeline.datatype.ResultsPlaceholder object is returned by the results function when a specific output port of a block contains no results. An output port may not contain results if its Required property is set to false.

When the block contains output ports with no results after you run the block, the result value for each of these output ports is set to ResultsPlaceholder. This value is a placeholder because the output ports might contain valid results when you change the block options relevant to these output ports and then rerun the block.


The ResultsPlaceholder object is returned as a field value of the returned structure when you call the results function and the corresponding output port contains no result after you run the pipeline. Each field corresponds to each output port. Alternatively, you can use bioinfo.pipeline.datatype.ResultsPlaceholder to create the object without running the pipeline.


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Create a pipeline.

p = bioinfo.pipeline.Pipeline;

Create an SRAFasterqDump block to download some paired-end sequencing data in a FASTQ format using the accession run number SRR26273031, which has two reads per spot and has no unaligned reads.

b = bioinfo.pipeline.block.SRAFasterqDump;
b.Inputs.SRRID.Value = "SRR26273031";

Run the pipeline.


By default, the SRAFasterqDump block uses the SplitType="SplitThree" option and downloads only biological reads. Specifically, the block splits spots into reads. For spots with two reads, the block downloads *_1.fastq and *_2.fastq, represented by the Reads_1 and Reads_2 output ports, respectively. Other optional output ports have the value ResultsPlaceHolder, indicating that they have no results.

r = results(p,b)
r = struct with fields:
      Reads: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.datatype.ResultsPlaceholder]
    Reads_1: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.datatype.File]
    Reads_2: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.datatype.File]
    Reads_3: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.datatype.ResultsPlaceholder]
    Reads_4: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.datatype.ResultsPlaceholder]
    Reads_5: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.datatype.ResultsPlaceholder]

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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