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End-to-End Simulation

Link-level simulation and analysis in the presence of RF impairments, path loss, and WLAN

Bluetooth® Toolbox features and reference examples enable you to model end-to-end communication links and analyze the link-level performance of the Bluetooth basic rate/enhanced data rate (BR/EDR) and low energy (LE) communication systems.

Use the end-to-end simulation capabilities of the toolbox to:

  • Perform end-to-end Bluetooth BR/EDR and LE simulation and evaluate the performance in the presence of radio frequency (RF) impairments, path loss, and WLAN interference.

  • Compute the packet error rate (PER) and bit error rate (BER) values for the Bluetooth BR/EDR and LE waveforms.

To explore features and examples related to RF impairments and corrections, see RF Component Modeling.

Block diagram of Bluetooth LE transmitter-receiver chain and practical receiver


bluetoothWaveformGeneratorGenerate Bluetooth BR/EDR PHY waveform (Since R2020a)
bluetoothIdealReceiverDecode Bluetooth BR/EDR PHY waveform (Since R2020a)
bleWaveformGeneratorGenerate Bluetooth LE PHY waveform
bleIdealReceiverDecode Bluetooth LE PHY waveform
bluetoothPathLossEstimate path loss between Bluetooth BR/EDR or LE devices (Since R2022b)


bluetoothWaveformConfigBluetooth BR/EDR waveform generator configuration parameters (Since R2020a)
bluetoothPhyConfigBluetooth BR/EDR PHY configuration parameters (Since R2020a)
bluetoothFrequencyHopBluetooth BR/EDR channel index for frequency hopping (Since R2020b)
bluetoothPathLossConfigBluetooth BR/EDR or LE path loss configuration parameters (Since R2022b)


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