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Enable incremental compilation during an analysis

Since R2022a




This option affects only a Bug Finder analysis.

-incremental enables an incremental mode during the compilation phase of a Polyspace® analysis. Use this option to run faster multi-file analyses.

If you run an analysis from the user interface (Polyspace desktop products only), enter this option in the Other field of the Advanced Settings node on the Configuration pane. See Other.

In this mode, after you run an initial analysis, Polyspace recompiles files during an analysis only if one of the following is true:

  • You make edits to a source file. Polyspace recompiles all source files with edits since the last analysis.

  • You make edits to a header file. Polyspace recompiles all files that declare a dependency on the edited header file.

  • You make changes to the analysis options. Polyspace recompiles all files. Polyspace ignores changes to these options:

When you use this option, make sure that you use the same results folder for all your analysis runs. In the user interface, go to the toolbar and check that Run Bug Finder > Create new Bug Finder result folder is not selected.


Enable incremental mode for an analysis where you specify the list of sources in a file sources.txt and the list of analysis options in a file opts.txt.

  • Polyspace Bug Finder™

    polyspace-bug-finder -sources-list-file sources.txt -options-file opts.txt -incremental -results-dir .

  • Polyspace Bug Finder Server™

    polyspace-bug-finder-server -sources-list-file sources.txt -options-file opts.txt -incremental -results-dir .


If you add a header to your project and a header with the same name already exists in a different folder, for instance you add componentA/myHeader.h when componentB/myHeader.h already exists, the new header does not trigger a recompilation.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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