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Specify the results folder


-results-dir resultsFolder


-results-dir resultsFolder specifies where to save the analysis results. The default location at the command line is the current folder.

Note that the results folder is cleaned up and repopulated at each run. To avoid accidental removal of files during the cleanup, instead of using an existing folder that contains other files, specify a dedicated folder for the Polyspace® results.

If you are running analysis in the user interface of the Polyspace desktop products, see Run Static Analysis in Polyspace User Interface.


Specify to store your results in the RESULTS folder:

  • Bug Finder:

    polyspace-bug-finder -results-dir RESULTS
  • Code Prover:

    polyspace-code-prover -results-dir RESULTS
  • Bug Finder Server:

    polyspace-bug-finder-server -results-dir RESULTS

  • Code Prover Server:

    polyspace-code-prover-server -results-dir RESULTS

You can create the name of the results folder based on the verification date and time. For instance, in a Bash shell, enter these commands to create a variable RESULTS that begins with results_ and contains the current date and time:

export DATETIME=$(date +%d%B_%HH%M_%A)
export RESULTS=results_$DATE
You can then use the variable RESULTS as argument of the option -results-dir:
-results-dir $RESULTS


If you use Polyspace as You Code extensions in IDEs, this option is implemented through the IDE extension setting. You do not have to use this option explicitly. If you want to explicitly use this option, enter the option in an analysis options file. See options file.

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