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Fix Polyspace Compilation Errors About Namespace std Without Prefix


The Polyspace® analysis stops with an error message such as:

error: the global scope has no "modfl"
The line highlighted in the error uses a function from the standard library without the std:: prefix.


Some compilers allow using members of the standard library namespace without explicitly specifying the std:: prefix. For such compilers, your code can contain lines like this:

using ::mblen;
where mblen is a member of the C++ standard library. Polyspace compilation considers the members as part of the global namespace and shows an error.


It is a good practice to qualify members of the standard library with the std:: prefix. For instance, to use the mblen function in the preceding example, rewrite the line as:

using std::mblen;

To continue to retain the current code and work around the Polyspace error, use the analysis option -using-std. If you are running the analysis in the Polyspace user interface, enter the option in the Other field. See Other.

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