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Obtain radio information

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Communications Toolbox Support Package for Analog Devices ADALM-Pluto Radio add-on.


RadioSettings = info(sdr) returns a structure array containing the current radio settings for the radio hardware associated with the System object™ sdr.



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Use the info object function to get information from the connected ADALM-PLUTO radio. The actual values used in the radio are shown by info and can be vary slightly from the values specified in the object.

rx = sdrrx('Pluto');
## Establishing connection to hardware. This process can take several seconds.
ans = struct with fields:
                     Status: 'Full information'
            CenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
         BasebandSampleRate: 999999
                  SerialNum: '104473222a870010050020009db5d52277'
            GainControlMode: 'AGC Slow Attack'
       RadioFirmwareVersion: "0.30"
    ExpectedFirmwareVersion: "0.30"
            HardwareVersion: "B0"

Input Arguments

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Software defined radio, connected to the host computer and associated with an SDR System object.

Example: txPluto = sdrtx('Pluto') creates a PlutoSDR transmitter System object.

Output Arguments

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Synchronized radio settings information between an SDR System object and the associated radio hardware, returned as a structure array.

If sdr has settings information, the returned radio information varies depending on the type of radio hardware.

If sdr has no settings information or it is not associated with a radio attached to the host, the structure returned is empty or with the Status field set to 'No connection with device'.


  • For CenterFrequency, Gain, and BasebandSampleRate properties, the actual radio setting and your specified setting can have a small mismatch. To confirm that the actual radio setting is close enough to your specified setting, call the info object function on the radio object.

  • The FrequencyCorrection property changes the actual radio setting for BasebandSampleRate and CenterFrequency.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

See Also

