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MATLAB Runtime on Big Data Platforms

MATLAB® Runtime can be downloaded and installed on big data platforms such as CLOUDERA®, Apache® Ambari™, and Azure® HDInsight.


MATLAB Runtime can be downloaded as a parcel from within CLOUDERA Manager.

Download URL

After downloading the parcel, you can and distribute and activate it across the cluster. For more information on how to work with CLOUDERA Manager and parcels, see the CLOUDERA documentation.

Apache Ambari


MATLAB Runtime support for Apache Ambari will be removed in a future release.

You can download MATLAB Runtime as an Apache Ambari stack for distribution across a cluster using the following URLs:

Download URLs

For more information, see the Apache Ambari documentation.

Azure HDInsight

You can download MATLAB Runtime onto an Azure HDInsight cluster using the following URLs:

Download URLs

Use the script action URL within the Azure interface to download and deploy MATLAB Runtime across the cluster.

External Websites

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