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Uninstall the Development Version of MATLAB Web App Server in MATLAB Compiler


To uninstall the development version of MATLAB® Web App Server™ on Windows®:

  1. Start the server application. The default location of the server application is:

    C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLABWebAppServer\R2024b\application

    Right-click MATLABWebAppServer.exe and select Run as administrator.

  2. In the Service Registration tab, click Unregister. This unregsiter's the services used in conjunction with the server. The accounts associated with the services are not removed.

  3. Open the Settings app in Windows. Click Apps from the sidebar and then select Installed apps to see a list of all the installed applications. Scroll through the list to find MATLAB Web App Server, click on the three dots next to it's name and select Uninstall. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process.


    You can also uninstall MATLAB Runtime that was installed with MATLAB Web App Server using a similar process.


To uninstall the development version of MATLAB Web App Server on Linux®:

  1. Start the server application. The default location of the server application is:


    At the shell prompt, type: <MATLAB_Runtime_Location>

  2. In the Service Registration tab, click Unregister. This deletes the services and the default accounts associated with services.

    If you are unable to launch the server application, you can use the uninstall script in MATLAB Runtime:

    sudo /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/R2024b/toolbox/compiler/mwdas/setup/scripts/glnxa64/ -n

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