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Microservice Command Arguments

Use single or double quotes to enclose special characters. For example:

docker run --rm -p 9900:9910 yolov4od-microservice --cors-allowed-origins '*' -l trace &
docker run --rm -p 9900:9910 yolov4od-microservice --cors-allowed-origins "*" -l trace &


-a,--archive FILE

Path to the deployable archive (CTF file).

Do not use this option when calling docker run; the deployed archive included in the container is specified in the entry point.

--attach-cache CACHE

Provide information about the external cache. Specify CACHE in the format of connection:provider:host:port.

--attach-cache-key KEY

Optional key for the external cache.None.

Specify a configuration file located in matlabroot/bin/glnxa64.

Default file name is muserve_config. File must be in TOML or INI format.

--cors-allowed-origins "LIST"

Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and specify the domain origins that are allowed to access the server.

Specify LIST as * or a list of comma-separated domain origins.


Disable keyboard interruption for the server.

Default behavior is to enable keyboard interruption.


Enable or disable X11 display for worker processes on UNIX® systems.

Default behavior is to disable display.


Enable or disable access to the discovery API.

Default behavior is to enable access to the discovery API.


Enable or disable parallel execution of pipelined requests.

Default behavior is to enable parallel pipeline execution.


Enable or disable access to the metrics API.

Default behavior is to enable access to the metrics API.

--endpoint-root FILE

Path to the folder containing server endpoint files.

By default, endpoint files are not generated.


Display the microservice command line arguments and exit.


Hide the MATLAB® error stack sent to clients.

Default behavior is to send the error stack.

--http PORT

HTTP interface port in the Docker® container.

Default port is 9910.
--http-linger-threshold SIZE

Amount of data the server discards after an HTTP error and before the server closes the TCP connection.

Specify SIZE as an integer followed by an optional size unit. Allowed size units are B, KB, and MB. If you specify no size unit, the unit is assumed to be B. Default size is unlimited.

--https PORT

HTTPS interface port in the Docker container. Use this option to enable HTTPS.

Default behavior is to use HTTP. If you use this option, you must also specify --x509-private-key and --x509-cert-chain.

-l,--log-severity OPTION

Level of detail at which to log information to stdout.

Specify OPTION as error, information (default), or trace.

--log-format OPTION

Text format for logs written to stdout.

Specify OPTION as text-plain (default), text-json, or text-xml.


Merge worker stdout and stderr streams into a single stream.

Default behavior is to keep the streams separate.

--pid-root PATH

Path to folder containing PID files.

By default, PID files are not generated.

--profile "(on|off) OBJECT"

Enable or disable the logging of server profile information to stdout.

Specify OBJECT as server, server.request, server.request.archive, server.request.client, server.worker, or server.worker.pool.

--request-size-limit SIZE

Maximum allowed request size.

Specify SIZE as an integer followed by an optional size unit. Allowed size units are B, KB, MB, and GB. If you specify no size unit, the unit is assumed to be B. Default size is 64MB.

--routes-file FILEPath to the routes JSON file for instance-level web request handlers.None.
--ssl-allowed-client CLIENT CN

Authorize clients to access the deployed archive (CTF file) based on the client certificate common name (CN).

Specify CLIENT as client1 CN, client2 CN, ..., clientN CN.

--ssl-ciphers OPTION

List of SSL cipher suites used for encryption.

Specify OPTION as one of the following:

  • ALL (default) — All cipher suites except the eNULL ciphers.

  • HIGH — Cipher suites with key lengths larger than 128 bits, and some cipher suites with 128-bit keys.

--ssl-protocols PROTOCOLS

List of allowed SSL protocols.

Protocols supported: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2.

--ssl-tmp-dh-param FILE

Path to file containing a pregenerated ephemeral DH key.None.

--ssl-tmp-ec-param ELLIPTIC-CURVE-NAME

Name of elliptic curve used for ECDHE ciphers.

ECDHE ciphers are enabled by default.

--ssl-verify-peer-mode OPTION

Level of client verification required by the server.

Specify OPTION as no-verify-peer (default) or verify-peer-require-peer-cert


Limit MATLAB to a single computational thread.

Default behavior is to use multithreading capabilities of the host computer.

--user-data "KEY VALUE"

Associate MATLAB data value with a key.

KEY and VALUE are strings.

--worker-restart-interval INTERVAL

Time interval at which a server stops and restarts its workers. Specify interval in the format [hour]:[minute]:[second].[millisecond].

Default interval is 12:00:00.

--worker-restart-memory-limit SIZE

Size threshold at which the server considers restarting a worker.

Specify SIZE as an integer followed by an optional size unit. Allowed size units are B, KB, and MB. If you specify no size unit, the unit is assumed to be B.

--worker-restart-memory-limit-interval INTERVAL

Time interval for which a worker can exceed its memory limit before restarting. Specify interval in the format [hour]:[minute]:[second].[millisecond].

--x509-ca-file-store FILE

Path to certificate authority (CA) file to verify peer certificates.

--x509-cert-chain FILE

Path to server certificate chain file in PEM format.

You must specify this property if you specify --https.
--x509-passphrase FILE

Path to file that contains the passphrase of the encrypted private key.

--x509-private-key FILE

Path to the private key. The key must be in PEM format.

You must specify this property if you specify --https.


Use the certificate revocation list (CRL) from the certificate authority store.


Use the operating system truststore.


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