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Retrieve historical data from Datastream Web Services from Refinitiv


d = history(c,sec) retrieves historical Datastream™ Web Services data for a specified security for the last year.


d = history(c,sec,fields,date) retrieves historical data for specified fields and a specific date.


d = history(c,sec,fields,startdate,enddate) retrieves historical data for a date range.


d = history(c,sec,fields,startdate,enddate,period) retrieves historical data using a period.


[d,response] = history(___) returns a ResponseMessage object that contains an error message. To access the error message, see Access Datastream Web Services Error Messages.


collapse all

Use a Datastream Web Services connection to retrieve historical data for the specified security.

Create a Datastream Web Services connection using your user name and password.

username = 'ABCDEF';
password = 'abcdef12345';
c = datastreamws(username,password)
c = 

  datastreamws with properties:

    Username: 'ABCDEF'
     TimeOut: 100

c is the datastreamws connection object with the Username and TimeOut properties. The Username property contains the specified user name. The TimeOut property specifies waiting for a maximum of 100 seconds to return historical data before canceling the request.

Adjust the display format to display currency.

format bank

Retrieve historical end-of-day price data for the last year. Specify the VOD security. d is a timetable that contains the date in the first variable and the end-of-day price in the second variable.

sec = 'VOD';
d = history(c,sec);

Display the first few prices.

ans =

  8×1 timetable

            Time             VOD  
    ____________________    ______

    03-May-2017 00:00:00    202.95
    04-May-2017 00:00:00    203.70
    05-May-2017 00:00:00    204.95
    08-May-2017 00:00:00    205.15
    09-May-2017 00:00:00    205.15
    10-May-2017 00:00:00    206.60
    11-May-2017 00:00:00    206.25
    12-May-2017 00:00:00    211.05

Use the end-of-day prices to make investment decisions for the VOD security.

Use a Datastream Web Services connection to retrieve historical data for the specified security, fields, and date.

Create a Datastream Web Services connection using your user name and password. c is the datastreamws connection object.

username = 'ABCDEF';
password = 'abcdef12345';
c = datastreamws(username,password);

Adjust the display format to display currency.

format bank

Retrieve and display historical end-of-day price data for March 29, 2018. Specify the VOD security and these fields:

  • Opening price

  • High price

  • Last closing price

d is a timetable with the date in the first variable and the fields in the subsequent variables.

sec = "VOD";
fields = ["PO";"PH";"P"];
date = datetime('03-29-2018','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy');
d = history(c,sec,fields,date)
d =

  1×3 timetable

            Time              PO        PH        P   
    ____________________    ______    ______    ______

    29-Mar-2018 00:00:00    194.94    196.01    194.22

Use the end-of-day prices for each field to make investment decisions for the VOD security.

Use a Datastream Web Services connection to retrieve historical data for the specified security, fields, and date range.

Create a Datastream Web Services connection using your user name and password. c is the datastreamws connection object.

username = 'ABCDEF';
password = 'abcdef12345';
c = datastreamws(username,password);

Adjust the display format to display currency.

format bank

Retrieve historical end-of-day price data from April 1, 2018, through April 30, 2018. Specify the VOD security and these fields:

  • Opening price

  • High price

  • Last closing price

d is a timetable with the date in the first variable and the fields in the subsequent variables.

sec = "VOD";
fields = ["PO";"PH";"P"];
startdate = datetime('04-01-2018','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy');
enddate = datetime('04-30-2018','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy');
d = history(c,sec,fields,startdate,enddate);

Display the first few prices.

ans =

  8×3 timetable

            Time              PO        PH        P   
    ____________________    ______    ______    ______

    02-Apr-2018 00:00:00       NaN       NaN    194.22
    03-Apr-2018 00:00:00    193.70    194.15    193.90
    04-Apr-2018 00:00:00    196.64    198.10    197.22
    05-Apr-2018 00:00:00    200.45    203.90    203.65
    06-Apr-2018 00:00:00    203.15    205.15    204.00
    09-Apr-2018 00:00:00    204.35    205.45    203.65
    10-Apr-2018 00:00:00    204.45    205.90    205.60
    11-Apr-2018 00:00:00    205.50    207.70    206.30

Use the end-of-day prices for each field to make investment decisions for the VOD security.

Use a Datastream Web Services connection to retrieve historical data for the specified security, fields, date range, and period.

Create a Datastream Web Services connection using your user name and password. c is the datastreamws connection object.

username = 'ABCDEF';
password = 'abcdef12345';
c = datastreamws(username,password);

Adjust the display format to display currency.

format bank

Retrieve and display historical end-of-day price data from January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017. Specify the VOD security and these fields:

  • Opening price

  • High price

  • Last closing price

Specify a quarterly period. d is a timetable with the date in the first variable and the fields in the subsequent variables.

sec = "VOD";
fields = ["PO";"PH";"P"];
startdate = datetime('01-01-2017','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy');
enddate = datetime('12-31-2017','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy');
period = 'Q';
d = history(c,sec,fields,startdate,enddate,period)
d =

  4×3 timetable

            Time              PO        PH        P   
    ____________________    ______    ______    ______

    01-Jan-2017 00:00:00       NaN       NaN    199.85
    01-Apr-2017 00:00:00    209.00    209.10    206.65
    01-Jul-2017 00:00:00    217.65    219.20    218.70
    01-Oct-2017 00:00:00    209.35    211.60    210.50

Use the quarterly prices for each field to make investment decisions for the VOD security.

Input Arguments

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Datastream Web Services connection, specified as a datastreamws object.

Security, specified as a character vector, cell array of character vectors, string scalar, or string array. Use a character vector or string scalar to specify one security. Use a cell array of character vectors or string array to specify multiple securities. For a constituent list, specify a single security in the sec input argument, for example, "LFTSE100".

Example: "VOD"

Data Types: char | string | cell

Field list, specified as a character vector, cell array of character vectors, string scalar, or string array. Use a character vector or string scalar to specify one field. Use a cell array of character vectors or string array to specify multiple fields.

Example: ["PH","PO","P"]

Data Types: char | string | cell

Date, specified as a datetime array, numeric scalar, string scalar, or character vector. Use this date to retrieve historical data for a specific day.

Example: datetime('03-29-2018','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy')

Data Types: double | char | string | datetime

Start date of a date range, specified as a datetime array, numeric scalar, string scalar, or character vector. The default start date is the first date of available historical data for the specified security sec.

Example: datetime('04-01-2018','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy')

Data Types: double | char | string | datetime

End date of a date range, specified as a datetime array, numeric scalar, string scalar, or character vector. The default end date is the latest date of available historical data for the specified security sec.

Example: datetime('04-30-2018','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy')

Data Types: double | char | string | datetime

Period, specified as one of these values:

  • 'D' — Daily

  • 'W' — Weekly

  • 'M' — Monthly

  • 'Q' — Quarterly

  • 'Y' — Yearly

You can specify the value as a character vector or string scalar. The default period depends on the specified security sec.

Output Arguments

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Historical data, returned as a timetable or table. The history function returns a timetable with data for one security. For multiple securities, the history function returns a timetable for the first syntax only and a table of nested timetables for the other syntaxes. To access one of the nested timetables, use dot notation, for example, d.VOD.

Response message, returned as a object. The ResponseMessage object contains an error message. To access the error message, see Access Datastream Web Services Error Messages.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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