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Visualize Deep Neural Networks

Plot training progress, assess accuracy, explain predictions, and visualize features learned by an image network

Monitor training progress using built-in plots of network accuracy and loss. Investigate trained networks using visualization techniques such as Grad-CAM, occlusion sensitivity, LIME, and deep dream.


Deep Network DesignerDesign and visualize deep learning networks


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analyzeNetworkAnalyze deep learning network architecture
trainingProgressMonitorMonitor and plot training progress for deep learning custom training loops (Since R2022b)
updateInfoUpdate information values for custom training loops (Since R2022b)
recordMetricsRecord metric values for custom training loops (Since R2022b)
groupSubPlotGroup metrics in training plot (Since R2022b)
plotPlot neural network architecture
testnetTest deep learning neural network (Since R2024b)
predictCompute deep learning network output for inference
minibatchpredictMini-batched neural network prediction (Since R2024a)
scores2labelConvert prediction scores to labels (Since R2024a)
deepDreamImageVisualize network features using deep dream
occlusionSensitivityExplain network predictions by occluding the inputs
imageLIMEExplain network predictions using LIME (Since R2020b)
gradCAMExplain network predictions using Grad-CAM (Since R2021a)
confusionchartCreate confusion matrix chart for classification problem
sortClassesSort classes of confusion matrix chart
rocmetricsReceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and performance metrics for binary and multiclass classifiers (Since R2022b)
addMetricsCompute additional classification performance metrics (Since R2022b)
averageCompute performance metrics for average receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve in multiclass problem (Since R2022b)


ConfusionMatrixChart PropertiesConfusion matrix chart appearance and behavior
ROCCurve PropertiesReceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve appearance and behavior (Since R2022b)



Training Progress and Performance

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