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Ground Truth Labeling

Interactive ground truth labeling of multiple signals

Use the Ground Truth Labeler app to label multiple signals representing the same scene. You can label videos, image sequences, and lidar signals such as point cloud sequences. Use labeled ground truth as training data for machine learning and deep learning models, such as object detectors or semantic segmentation networks. To automate the labeling of ground truth data, you can use a built-in automation algorithm or develop your own algorithm. The app also provides APIs for displaying additional time-synchronized signals and for loading custom data sources. To get started labeling a scene, see Get Started with Ground Truth Labelling.

Ground Truth Labeler app with multiple signals loaded


Ground Truth LabelerLabel ground truth data for automated driving applications


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Load Data

groundTruthMultisignalGround truth label data for multiple signals (Since R2020a)
ROILabelDataGround truth data for ROI labels (Since R2020a)
SceneLabelDataGround truth data for scene labels (Since R2020a)
vision.labeler.loading.MultiSignalSourceInterface for loading signal data into Ground Truth Labeler app (Since R2020a)
vision.labeler.loading.VideoSourceLoad signals from video sources into Ground Truth Labeler app (Since R2020a)
vision.labeler.loading.ImageSequenceSourceLoad signals from image sequence sources into Ground Truth Labeler app (Since R2020a)
vision.labeler.loading.VelodyneLidarSourceLoad signals from Velodyne lidar sources into Ground Truth Labeler app (Since R2020a)
vision.labeler.loading.RosbagSourceLoad signals from rosbag sources into Ground Truth Labeler app (Since R2020a)
vision.labeler.loading.PointCloudSequenceSourceLoad signals from point cloud sequence sources into Ground Truth Labeler app (Since R2020a)
vision.labeler.loading.CustomImageSourceLoad signals from custom image sources into Ground Truth Labeler app (Since R2020a)
vision.labeler.loading.SignalTypeSignal type enumerations for labeling (Since R2020a)

Create Label Definitions

labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignalObject for storing, modifying, and creating label definitions table for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
createCreate label definitions table from label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
infoDisplay label, sublabel, or attribute information stored in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)


addLabelAdd label to label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
addSublabelAdd sublabel to label in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
addAttributeAdd attributes to label or sublabel in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)


editGroupNameChange group name in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
editLabelGroupModify label group name in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
editLabelDescriptionModify label or sublabel description in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
editAttributeDescriptionModify attribute description in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)


removeLabelRemove label from label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
removeSublabelRemove sublabel from label in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)
removeAttributeRemove attribute from label or sublabel in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow (Since R2020a)

Action Flags

initializeInitialize state for algorithm execution (optional)
runRun label automation on every frame in interval
terminateTerminate automated algorithm (optional)


checkSetupSet up validation (optional)
checkSignalTypeValidate signal type (Since R2020a)
checkLabelDefinitionValidate label definition
supportsMultisignalAutomationSet multisignal algorithm automation flag (Since R2021a)


vision.labeler.AutomationAlgorithmInterface for algorithm automation in ground truth labeling
settingsDialogDisplay algorithm settings (optional)
vision.labeler.mixin.TemporalMixin interface for adding temporal context to automation algorithms
supportsReverseAutomationSet reverse algorithm automation flag

Store Data

groundTruthMultisignalGround truth label data for multiple signals (Since R2020a)
ROILabelDataGround truth data for ROI labels (Since R2020a)
SceneLabelDataGround truth data for scene labels (Since R2020a)
changeFilePathsChange file paths in multisignal ground truth data (Since R2020a)

Select Labels

selectLabelsByLabelNameSelect multisignal ground truth by label name (Since R2020a)
selectLabelsByLabelTypeSelect multisignal ground truth by label type (Since R2020a)
selectLabelsByGroupNameSelect multisignal ground truth by label group name (Since R2020a)
selectLabelsBySignalNameSelect multisignal ground truth by signal name (Since R2020a)
selectLabelsBySignalTypeSelect multisignal ground truth labels by signal type (Since R2020a)

Enumerate Attribute and Label Types

labelTypeLabel type enumerations for labeling
attributeTypeAttribute type enumerations for labeling

Create Training Data

gatherLabelDataGather synchronized label data from ground truth (Since R2020a)
writeFramesWrite signal frames for ground truth data to disk (Since R2020a)
driving.connector.ConnectorInterface to connect external tool to Ground Truth Labeler app
frameChangeListenerUpdate external tool when new frame is displayed in Ground Truth Labeler app
dataSourceChangeListenerUpdate external tool when connecting to signal being loaded into Ground Truth Labeler app
labelLoadListenerUpdate external tool for new label data in Ground Truth Labeler app
labelDefinitionLoadListenerUpdate external tool for new label definitions in Ground Truth Labeler app
closeClose external tool connected to Ground Truth Labeler app
addLabelDataAdd custom label data at current time
queryLabelDataQuery for custom label data at current time
updateLabelerCurrentTimeUpdate current time in Ground Truth Labeler app
disconnectDisconnect external tool from Ground Truth Labeler app


Get Started

Load Ground Truth Data Sources

Label Ground Truth

Automate Labeling

Use Ground Truth Labels

Featured Examples

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