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Remove attribute from label or sublabel in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow

Since R2020a


removeAttribute(ldc,labelName,attributeName) removes the specified attribute from the indicated label or sublabel in the labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal object ldc.



collapse all

Create an empty labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal object.

ldc = labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal;

Add a label with the name 'TrafficLight'. Specify the type of label as 'Rectangle'. Adding a 'Rectangle' also adds a 'Cuboid' entry to the label definitions table.


Add attribute 'Active' to the label. Specify the attribute type as 'Logical' with the value true.


Display information about the attributes under the label 'TrafficLight' using the object function info.

           Name: "TrafficLight"
     SignalType: Image
      LabelType: Rectangle
          Group: "None"
     LabelColor: {''}
     Attributes: "Active"
      Sublabels: []
    Description: ' '

           Name: "TrafficLight"
     SignalType: PointCloud
      LabelType: Cuboid
          Group: "None"
     LabelColor: {''}
     Attributes: "Active"
      Sublabels: []
    Description: ' '

Remove the attribute 'Active' from the label 'TrafficLight'.


Add a sublabel called 'RedLight' to the label 'TrafficLight'. Specify the type of the sublabel as 'Rectangle'.


Add an attribute 'isOn' to the sublabel 'RedLight'. Specify the type for the attribute 'isOn' as 'Logical' with the value false.


Display information about the attributes under the sublabel 'RedLight' in the label 'TrafficLight' using the object function info.

           Name: "RedLight"
           Type: Rectangle
     LabelColor: ''
     Attributes: "isOn"
      Sublabels: []
    Description: ' '

Remove the attribute 'isOn' from the sublabel 'RedLight'.


Display information about the label 'TrafficLight' using the object function info, to confirm that the attribute 'Active' has been removed from the label definitions.

           Name: "TrafficLight"
     SignalType: Image
      LabelType: Rectangle
          Group: "None"
     LabelColor: {''}
     Attributes: []
      Sublabels: "RedLight"
    Description: ' '

           Name: "TrafficLight"
     SignalType: PointCloud
      LabelType: Cuboid
          Group: "None"
     LabelColor: {''}
     Attributes: []
      Sublabels: "RedLight"
    Description: ' '

Display information about the sublabel 'RedLight' in the label 'TrafficLight' using the object function info, to confirm that the attribute 'isOn' has been removed from the label definitions.

           Name: "RedLight"
           Type: Rectangle
     LabelColor: ''
     Attributes: []
      Sublabels: []
    Description: ' '

Input Arguments

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Label definition creator for the multisignal workflow, specified as a labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal object.

Label or sublabel name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that uniquely identifies the label or sublabel from which the attribute is to be removed.

  • To specify a label, use the form 'labelName'.

Example: removeAttribute(ldc,'TrafficLight','Active')

  • To specify a sublabel, use the form 'labelName/sublabelName'. In this case, the attribute associates with the sublabel.

Example: removeAttribute(ldc,'TrafficLight/RedLight','isOn')

Attribute name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that identifies the attribute to be removed from the label or sublabel indicated by labelName.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a