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Return scenario simulations or actors in current MATLAB session

Since R2022a


    ss = Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find("ScenarioSimulation") returns all scenario simulations in the current MATLAB® session.


    ss = Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find("ScenarioSimulation",Name=Value) returns the scenario simulation in the current MATLAB session that contains the actor corresponding to the Name and Value input arguments.


    actor = Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find("ActorSimulation",Name=Value) returns the actor in the current MATLAB session that corresponds to the Name and Value input arguments.



    collapse all

    Get all simulations in the current MATLAB session.

    scenarios = Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find("ScenarioSimulation")

    Get the actor specified by a known System object™ handle.

    actor = Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find("ActorSimulation",SystemObject=obj)

    Get the scenario containing the actor specified by a known System object handle.

    actorScenario = Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find("ScenarioSimulation",SystemObject=obj) 

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: Simulink.ScenarioSimulation.find("ActorSimulation", SimulinkModel=12.03) returns the actor with the specified Simulink® model handle.

    Simulink model handle of required actor, specified as a numeric scalar of data type double.

    Run the following command to get the model handle of an open Simulink model file that represents an actor object.


    Example: SimulinkModel=221.01

    Data Types: double

    System object representing actor, specified using the System object name.

    Example: SystemObject=WhiteCar

    Unique identifier that represents actor simulation object, specified as an integer of type unit64.

    Example: ActorID = unit64(1)

    Data Types: unit64

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Scenario simulation containing actor, returned as a ScenarioSimulation object.

    Actor corresponding to input arguments, returned as an ActorSimulation object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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