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Tracking and Sensor Fusion

Object tracking and multisensor fusion, bird’s-eye plot of detections and object tracks

You can create a multi-object tracker to fuse information from radar and video camera sensors. The tracker uses Kalman filters that let you estimate the state of motion of a detected object. Use the sensor measurements made on a detected object to continuously solve for the position and velocity of that object. To track moving objects, you can use constant-velocity or constant-acceleration motion models, or you can define your own models.


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multiObjectTrackerTrack objects using GNN assignment
objectDetectionReport for single object detection
getTrackPositionsReturns updated track positions and position covariance matrix
getTrackVelocitiesObtain updated track velocities and velocity covariance matrix
confirmTrackConfirm tentative track (Since R2022b)
objectTrackSingle object track report (Since R2020a)
trackHistoryLogicConfirm and delete tracks based on recent track history (Since R2020a)

Alpha-Beta Filter

trackingABFAlpha-beta filter for object tracking (Since R2020a)
initcaabfCreate constant acceleration alpha-beta tracking filter from detection report (Since R2020a)
initcvabfCreate constant velocity tracking alpha-beta filter from detection report (Since R2020a)

Linear Kalman Filter

trackingKFLinear Kalman filter for object tracking
initcakfCreate constant-acceleration linear Kalman filter from detection report
initcvkfCreate constant-velocity linear Kalman filter from detection report

Extended Kalman Filter

trackingEKFExtended Kalman filter for object tracking
initcaekfCreate constant-acceleration extended Kalman filter from detection report
initctekfCreate constant turn-rate extended Kalman filter from detection report
initcvekfCreate constant-velocity extended Kalman filter from detection report

Unscented Kalman Filter

trackingUKFUnscented Kalman filter for object tracking
initcaukfCreate constant-acceleration unscented Kalman filter from detection report
initctukfCreate constant turn-rate unscented Kalman filter from detection report
initcvukfCreate constant-velocity unscented Kalman filter from detection report

Constant Velocity

constvelState transition function for constant-velocity motion model
constveljacJacobian of state transition function based on constant-velocity motion model
cvmeasMeasurement function for constant-velocity motion model
cvmeasjacJacobian of measurement function for constant-velocity motion model

Constant Acceleration

constaccState transition function for constant-acceleration motion model
constaccjacJacobian of state transition function based on constant-acceleration motion model
cameasMeasurement function for constant-acceleration motion model
cameasjacJacobian of measurement function for constant-acceleration motion model

Constant Turn-Rate

constturnState transition function for constant turn-rate and velocity-magnitude motion model
constturnjacJacobian of state transition function based on constant turn-rate and velocity-magnitude motion
ctmeasMeasurement function for constant turn-rate and velocity-magnitude motion model
ctmeasjacJacobian of measurement function for constant turn-rate and velocity- magnitude motion model


Multi-Object TrackerCreate and manage tracks of multiple objects


Multi-Object Tracking

Sensor Fusion with Synthetic Data

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