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Base rate trigger

Defines the static priority of the base rate task

Since R2024b

Model Configuration Pane: Hardware Implementation / Simulink or Embedded Coder Hardware Support Package / Hardware board settings / Operating system/scheduler / Scheduler options


Defining the Base rate trigger parameter sets the source of the scheduler interrupt.


SysTick Scheduler (default) | "Mic In" block DMA interrupt | "Audio out" block DMA interrupt

The Scheduler options appear only when you select Baremetal in the Operating system drop-down list.

SysTick Scheduler

The SysTick timer interrupt schedules the model at the base rate. This timer is available in the ARM Cortex-M3 and the ARM Cortex-M4 based processors. When you select STM32F4-Discovery as the target hardware, this option is the default Scheduler option

“Mic in” block DMA interrupt

The model is scheduled based on the DMA interrupt rate of the Mic in block. The Mic in block generates a DMA (DMA1- Channel0-Stream3) interrupt for every Mic in block sample time. Make sure that the model does not contain blocks with sample rates higher than the Mic in block.

“Audio out” block DMA interrupt

The model is scheduled based on the DMA interrupt rate of the Audio out block. The DMA interrupt rate depends on the frame size that is input to the Audio out block in the model. Make sure that the model does not contain blocks with sample rates higher than the Audio out block.


Make sure that your model has Mic in block if you select “Mic in” block DMA interrupt option and the Audio out block if you select “Audio out” block DMA interrupt option as the Base rate trigger.

Recommended Settings

No recommendation.

Programmatic Use

No programmatic use is available.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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