Build for use with bootloader
Defines how to generate a build to use with bootloader
Since R2024b
Model Configuration Pane: Hardware Implementation / Simulink or Embedded Coder Hardware Support Package / Hardware board settings / Target hardware resources / Build options
The Build for use with bootloader parameter defines how to generate a build to use with bootloader. Select this check box to use the internal bootloader during the code programming process.
By selecting this option, you generate an output executable to use with bootloader for programming the target hardware memory through a standard communication channel, without having to use an IDE/third party tool.
(default) | on
check box is available only when you select Baremetal
After the first use of bootloader with Simulink®, you can also interact with the target hardware from the command-line interface.
Create a target hardware object that connects through serial port ‘COM1’ using the command:
obj= bootloader('COM1')
Load the executable generated from the Simulink model ‘model1.slx’, with the bootloader option selected, using the command:
[err, msg ] = load(obj,'model1.hex')
Clear the object using the command:
clear obj
Recommended Settings
No recommendation.
Programmatic Use
No programmatic use is available. |
Version History
Introduced in R2024b
See Also
Model Configuration Parameters for STMicroelectronics STM32F4-Discovery Board | Model Configuration Parameters for STMicroelectronics STM32F746G-Discovery Board | Model Configuration Parameters for STMicroelectronics STM32F769I-Discovery Board | Model Configuration Parameters for STMicroelectronics STM32L475VG-Discovery (B-L475E-IOT01A) Board