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Set host drive

Defines how Embedded Coder sets the drive to download the executable on the hardware board

Since R2024b

Model Configuration Pane: Hardware Implementation / Simulink or Embedded Coder Hardware Support Package / Hardware board settings / Target hardware resources / Build options


The Set host drive parameter defines how Embedded Coder® sets the drive to download the executable on the hardware board.

To download the executable on the hardware board, specify a drive letter. You can specify whether MATLAB® detects the drive automatically or sets the drive letter to that you specify.


Automatically (default) | Manually

MATLAB determines which drive letter your host uses to download the executable on the hardware board.

A drive letter with drive name DIS_F746NG is mapped to the hardware board.

MATLAB detects this drive, copies the executable to the drive, and runs the executable on the hardware board.


Select this option to specify which drive letter your host uses to download the executable on the hardware board.

The drive letter that you specify in the Drive parameter is mapped to the hardware board.

For example, suppose that in the Drive parameter, you specify the drive letter as F:. In this case, MATLAB copies the executable to the F: drive, and runs the executable on the hardware board.


The Drive parameter appears, only if you have selected Manually option in the Drive parameter.

Recommended Settings

No recommendation.

Programmatic Use

No programmatic use is available.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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