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Set the serial gateway to the gateway required to access the target computer

Model Configuration Pane: Hardware Implementation / Simulink or Embedded Coder Hardware Support Package / Hardware board settings / Target hardware resources / WiFi


The Gateway parameter sets the serial gateway to the gateway required to access the target computer.

For example, when you set this parameter to, it means that you do not use a gateway to connect to your target computer. If you connect your computers with a crossover cable, leave this property as

Settings (default)

Set the serial gateway to the gateway required to access the target computer.

For example, when you set this parameter to, it means that you do not use a gateway to connect to your target computer. If you connect your computers with a crossover cable, leave this property as

If you communicate with the target computer from within your LAN, you do not need to change this setting.

If you communicate from a host located in a LAN different from your target computer (especially via the Internet), you must define a gateway and specify its IP address in this parameter.

Recommended Settings

No recommendation.

Programmatic Use

No programmatic use is available.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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