Compute Markov chain hitting times
Return Expected First Hitting Times
Consider this theoretical, right-stochastic transition matrix of a stochastic process.
Create the Markov chain that is characterized by the transition matrix P.
P = [1 0 0 0; 1/2 0 1/2 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 0 1/2 1/2]; mc = dtmc(P);
Plot a directed graph of the Markov chain. Visually identify the communicating class to which each state belongs by using node colors.
Compute the expected first hitting time for state 3, beginning from each state in the Markov chain.
ht = hittime(mc,3)
ht = 4×1
Because state 3 is unreachable from state 1, state 1 is a remote state with respect to state 3, with an expected first hitting time of Inf
State 3 is reachable from state 2, but state 2 has a positive probability of transitioning to state 1, which is an absorbing state. Therefore, state 2 is a remote-reachable state with respect to state 3, with an expected first hitting time of Inf
Because state 3 is the target, its expected first hitting time for itself is 0
The expected first hitting time for state 3 starting from state 4 is 2
time steps.
Color Nodes of Digraph Using Expected First Hitting Times
Consider this theoretical, right-stochastic transition matrix of a stochastic process.
Create the Markov chain that is characterized by the transition matrix P.
P = [0 1/2 0 1/2 2/3 0 1/3 0 0 1/2 0 1/2 1/3 0 2/3 0 ]; mc = dtmc(P);
Plot a digraph of the Markov chain mc
. Display the transition probabilities.
Compute the expected first hitting time for state 1, beginning from each state in the Markov chain.
ht = hittime(mc,1)
ht = 4×1
Plot a digraph of the Markov chain. Specify node colors representing the expected first hitting times for state 1, beginning from each state in the Markov chain.
Plot another digraph. Include state 4 as a target state.
hittime(mc,[1 4],'Graph',true);
Create the Markov chain characterized by this transition matrix:
P = [1/2 0 1/2 0 0 0 0 0 1/3 0 2/3 0 0 0 1/4 0 3/4 0 0 0 0 0 2/3 0 1/3 0 0 0 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 0 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 0 1/2 0 0 0 0 0 1/2]; mc = dtmc(P);
Compute the expected first hitting times for state 1, beginning from each state in the Markov chain mc
. Also, plot a digraph and specify node colors representing the expected first hitting times for state 1.
ht = hittime(mc,1,'Graph',true)
ht = 7×1
States 2 and 4 form an absorbing class. Therefore, state 1 is unreachable from these states. The absorbing class is remote with respect to state 1, with an expected first hitting time of Inf
State 1 is reachable from states 5 and 6, but the probability of transitioning into the absorbing class from states 5 and 6 is nonzero. Therefore, states 5 and 6 are remote-reachable with respect to state 1, with an expected first hitting time of Inf
The expected first hitting time for state 1 beginning from state 7 is 2 time steps. The expected first hitting time for state 1 beginning from state 3 is 4 time steps.
Compute Expected Absorption Times
Create an eight-state Markov chain from a randomly generated transition matrix with 50 infeasible transitions in random locations. An infeasible transition is a transition whose probability of occurring is zero. Assign arbitrary names to the states.
numStates = 8; Zeros = 50; stateNames = strcat(repmat("Regime ",1,8),string(1:8)); rng(1617676169) % For reproducibility mc = mcmix(8,'Zeros',Zeros,'StateNames',stateNames);
Plot a digraph of the Markov chain mc
. Specify node colors that identify transient and recurrent states and communicating classes.
Find a recurrent class in the Markov chain mc
by following this procedure:
Classify the states by passing
. Return the array of class membershipsClassStates
and the logical vector specifying whether the classes are recurrentClassRecurrence
.Extract the recurrent classes from the array of classes by indexing into the array using the logical vector.
[~,ClassStates,IsClassRecurrent] = classify(mc); recurrent = ClassStates{IsClassRecurrent}
recurrent = 1x4 string
"Regime 2" "Regime 3" "Regime 6" "Regime 8"
Compute the expected hitting time for the states of the recurrent class, beginning from each state in the Markov chain.
ht = hittime(mc,recurrent);
Extract and display the expected absorption times beginning from the transient states.
istransient = ~ismember(mc.StateNames,recurrent);
absorbtime = ht(istransient);
ans=4×1 table
Regime 1 5.8929
Regime 4 1
Regime 5 1.7777
Regime 7 4.8929
Visualize Markov Chain Mixing Time
Create a 50-state Markov chain from a random transition matrix in which most of the transitions are infeasible and randomly placed.
rng(1) % For reproducibility mc = mcmix(50,'Zeros',2400);
Visualize the mixing time of the Markov chain by plotting a digraph and specifying node colors representing the expected first hitting times for state 1, beginning from each state.
Visualize the mixing time of the Markov chain for state 5.
Compute Expected Commute Time
The expected commute time from state to state is the expected time required for a Markov chain to transition from state to state (the expected first hitting time ht
), then back to state (ht
). Formally, the expected commute time is
Create a "dumbbell" Markov chain containing 10 states in each "weight" and three states in the "bar."
Specify random transition probabilities between states within each weight.
If the Markov chain reaches the state in a weight that is closest to the bar, then specify a high probability of transitioning to the bar.
Specify uniform transitions between states in the bar.
rng(1); % For reproducibility w = 5; % Dumbbell weights DBar = [0 1 0; 1 0 1; 0 1 0]; % Dumbbell bar DB = blkdiag(rand(w),DBar,rand(w)); % Transition matrix % Connect dumbbell weights and bar DB(w,w+1) = 1; DB(w+1,w) = 1; DB(w+3,w+4) = 1; DB(w+4,w+3) = 1; mc = dtmc(DB);
Plot a digraph of the Markov chain mc
. Suppress node labels.
figure; graphplot(mc);
Consider computing the expected commute time from state 1 to state 10.
Compute ht
(1,10), the expected first hitting time for state 10 beginning from state 1.
ht = hittime(mc,10); ht1to10 = ht(1);
Compute ht
(10,1), the expected first hitting time for state 1 beginning from state 10.
ht = hittime(mc,1); ht10to1 = ht(10);
Compute the expected commute time from state 1 to state 10.
C1to10 = ht1to10 + ht10to1
C1to10 = 236.6165
The expected commute time from state 1 to state 10 and back is 236.62 time steps.
Input Arguments
— Discrete-time Markov chain
Discrete-time Markov chain with NumStates
states and transition matrix P
, specified as a dtmc
object. P
must be fully specified (no NaN
— Target subset of states
numeric vector of positive integers | string vector | cell vector of character vectors
Target subset of states, specified as a numeric vector of positive integers, string vector, or cell vector of character vectors.
For a numeric vector, elements of
correspond to rows of the transition matrixmc.P
.For a string vector or cell vector of character vectors, elements of
must be state names inmc.StateNames
Example: ["Regime 1" "Regime 2"]
Data Types: double
| string
| cell
— Axes on which to plot
Axes on which to plot, specified as an Axes
By default, hittime
plots to the current axes
Output Arguments
— Expected first hitting times
numeric vector
Expected first hitting times, returned as a numeric vector of length mc.NumStates
. ht(
is the expected first hitting time of the specified subset of the target states j
from starting state
If ht(
= j
, state
is a remote state or remote-reachable state for the target states j
— Handle to graph plot
graphics object
Handle to the graph plot, returned as a graphics object when the 'Graph'
name-value pair argument is true
. h
is a unique identifier, which you can use to query or modify properties of the plot.
More About
Remote State
Remote states are those states from which the target states are unreachable. A remote state has a hitting probability of 0
and an expected first hitting time of Inf
. For more details on hitting probabilities, see hitprob
Remote-Reachable State
Remote-reachable states are those states from which the target states are reachable and that have a positive probability of reaching an absorbing class. A remote-reachable state has an expected first hitting time of Inf
for the target states.
[1] Norris, J. R. Markov Chains. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Version History
Introduced in R2019b
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