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Estimate efficient portfolio to maximize Sharpe ratio for Portfolio object


[pwgt,pbuy,psell] = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(obj) estimates efficient portfolio to maximize Sharpe ratio for Portfolio object. For details on the workflow, see Portfolio Object Workflow.


[pwgt,pbuy,psell] = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(___,Name,Value) adds optional name-value pair arguments.



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Estimate the efficient portfolio that maximizes the Sharpe ratio. The estimateMaxSharpeRatio function maximizes the Sharpe ratio among portfolios on the efficient frontier. This example uses the default 'direct' method to estimate the maximum Sharpe ratio. For more information on the 'direct' method, see Algorithms.

p = Portfolio('AssetMean',[0.3, 0.1, 0.5], 'AssetCovar',...
[0.01, -0.010,  0.004; -0.010,  0.040, -0.002;  0.004, -0.002,  0.023]);
p = setDefaultConstraints(p);
plotFrontier(p, 20);
weights = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(p);
[risk, ret] = estimatePortMoments(p, weights);
hold on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Efficient Frontier, xlabel Standard Deviation of Portfolio Returns, ylabel Mean of Portfolio Returns contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers This object represents Efficient Frontier.

Estimate the efficient portfolio that maximizes the Sharpe ratio. The estimateMaxSharpeRatio function maximizes the Sharpe ratio among portfolios on the efficient frontier. This example uses the 'direct' method for a Portfolio object (p) that does not specify a tracking error and only uses linear constraints. The setSolver function is used to control the SolverType and SolverOptions. In this case, the SolverType is quadprog. For more information on the 'direct' method, see Algorithms.

p = Portfolio('AssetMean',[0.3, 0.1, 0.5], 'AssetCovar',...
[0.01, -0.010,  0.004; -0.010,  0.040, -0.002;  0.004, -0.002,  0.023]);
p = setDefaultConstraints(p);
plotFrontier(p, 20);
p = setSolver(p,'quadprog','Display','off','ConstraintTolerance',1.0e-8,'OptimalityTolerance',1.0e-8,'StepTolerance',1.0e-8,'MaxIterations',10000); 
weights = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(p); 
[risk, ret] = estimatePortMoments(p, weights);
hold on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Efficient Frontier, xlabel Standard Deviation of Portfolio Returns, ylabel Mean of Portfolio Returns contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers This object represents Efficient Frontier.

Estimate the efficient portfolio that maximizes the Sharpe ratio. The estimateMaxSharpeRatio function maximizes the Sharpe ratio among portfolios on the efficient frontier. This example uses the 'direct' method for a Portfolio object (p) that specifies a tracking error uses nonlinear constraints. The setSolver function is used to control the SolverType and SolverOptions. In this case fmincon is the SolverType.

p = Portfolio('AssetMean',[0.3, 0.1, 0.5], 'AssetCovar',...
[0.01, -0.010,  0.004; -0.010,  0.040, -0.002;  0.004, -0.002,  0.023],'lb', 0,'budget', 1);
plotFrontier(p, 20);

p = setSolver(p, 'fmincon', 'Display', 'off', 'Algorithm', 'sqp', ...
        'SpecifyObjectiveGradient', true, 'SpecifyConstraintGradient', true, ...
        'ConstraintTolerance', 1.0e-8, 'OptimalityTolerance', 1.0e-8, 'StepTolerance', 1.0e-8); 

weights = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(p);        

te = 0.08;
p = setTrackingError(p,te,weights);

[risk, ret] = estimatePortMoments(p,weights);
hold on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Efficient Frontier, xlabel Standard Deviation of Portfolio Returns, ylabel Mean of Portfolio Returns contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers This object represents Efficient Frontier.

The estimateMaxSharpeRatio function maximizes the Sharpe ratio among portfolios on the efficient frontier. In the case of Portfolio with a risk-free asset, there are multiple efficient portfolios that maximize the Sharpe ratio on the capital asset line. Because of the nature of 'direct' and 'iterative' methods, the portfolio weights (pwgts) output from each of these methods might be different, but the Sharpe ratio is the same. This example demonstrates the scenario where the pwgts are different and the Sharpe ratio is the same.

load BlueChipStockMoments

mret = MarketMean;
mrsk = sqrt(MarketVar);
cret = CashMean;
crsk = sqrt(CashVar);

p = Portfolio('AssetList', AssetList, 'RiskFreeRate', CashMean);
p = setAssetMoments(p, AssetMean, AssetCovar);

p = setInitPort(p, 1/p.NumAssets);
[ersk, eret] = estimatePortMoments(p, p.InitPort);

p = setDefaultConstraints(p);
pwgt = estimateFrontier(p, 20);
[prsk, pret] = estimatePortMoments(p, pwgt);
pwgtshpr_fully = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(p,'Method','direct');
[riskshpr_fully, retshpr_fully] = estimatePortMoments(p,pwgtshpr_fully);

q = setBudget(p, 0, 1);
qwgt = estimateFrontier(q, 20);
[qrsk, qret] = estimatePortMoments(q, qwgt);

Plot the efficient frontier with a tangent line (0 to 1 cash).

pwgtshpr_direct = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(q,'Method','direct');
pwgtshpr_iter = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(q,'Method','iterative'); % Default for 'TolX' is 1e-8
[riskshpr_diret, retshpr_diret] = estimatePortMoments(q,pwgtshpr_direct);
[riskshpr_iter, retshpr_iter] = estimatePortMoments(q,pwgtshpr_iter);

portfolioexamples_plot('Efficient Frontier with Capital Allocation Line', ...
                {'line', prsk, pret, {'EF'}, '-r', 2}, ...
                {'line', qrsk, qret, {'EF with riskfree'}, '-b', 1}, ...
                {'scatter', [mrsk, crsk, ersk, riskshpr_fully, riskshpr_diret, riskshpr_iter], ...
    [mret, cret, eret, retshpr_fully , retshpr_diret, retshpr_iter], {'Market', 'Cash', 'Equal','Sharpe fully invest', 'Sharpe diret','Sharpe iter'}}, ...
                {'scatter', sqrt(diag(p.AssetCovar)), p.AssetMean, p.AssetList, '.r'});  

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Efficient Frontier with Capital Allocation Line, xlabel Standard Deviation of Returns (Annualized), ylabel Mean of Returns (Annualized) contains 40 objects of type line, scatter, text. These objects represent EF, EF with riskfree.

When a risk-free asset is not available to the portfolio, or in other words, the portfolio is fully invested, the efficient frontier is curved, corresponding to the red line in the above figure. Therefore, there is a unique (risk, return) point that maximizes the Sharpe ratio, which the 'iterative' and 'direct' methods will both find. If the portfolio is allowed to invest in a risk-free asset, part of the red efficient frontier line is replaced by the capital allocation line, resulting in the efficient frontier of a portfolio with a risk-free investment (blue line). All the (risk, return) points on the straight blue line share the same Sharpe ratio. Also, it is likely that the 'iterative' and 'direct' methods end up with different points, therefore there are different portfolio allocations.

When using the 'iterative' method, you can use an optional 'TolX' name-value argument. TolX is a termination tolerance that is related to the possible return levels of the efficient frontier. If the selected TolX value is large compared to the range of returns, then the accuracy of the solution is poor. TolX should be a number smaller than 0.01*(maxReturn - minReturn).

maxReturn = max(qret); % Max return portfolio
minReturn = min(qret); % Min return portfolio

The purpose of increasing the termination tolerance is to speed up the convergence of the 'iterative' algorithm. However, as previously mentioned, the accuracy of the solution will decrease. You can see this in the table that follows.

pwgtshpr_iter_largerTol = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(q, 'Method', 'iterative',...
    'TolX', 1e-4);
display(table(pwgtshpr_iter, pwgtshpr_iter_largerTol,...
    'VariableNames', {'Default TolX = 1e-8','TolX = 1e-4'}))
  30x2 table

    Default TolX = 1e-8    TolX = 1e-4
    ___________________    ___________

                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
         0.015523           0.015523  
         0.052472           0.052473  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
                0                  0  
         0.090335           0.090335  
         0.081562           0.081562  
                0                  0  
         0.026094           0.026094  
                0                  0  
         0.043466           0.043466  
                0                  0  
         0.034997           0.034998  
                0                  0  
           0.1285             0.1285  
          0.10979            0.10979  

In the table, the value of the weights varies slightly with respect to the weights obtained with the default tolerance, as expected.

Create a Portfolio object for three assets.

AssetMean = [ 0.0101110; 0.0043532; 0.0137058 ];
AssetCovar = [ 0.00324625 0.00022983 0.00420395;
               0.00022983 0.00049937 0.00019247;
               0.00420395 0.00019247 0.00764097 ];  
p = Portfolio('AssetMean', AssetMean, 'AssetCovar', AssetCovar);
p = setDefaultConstraints(p);           

Use setBounds with semicontinuous constraints to set xi = 0 or 0.02 <= xi <= 0.5 for all i = 1,...NumAssets.

p = setBounds(p, 0.02, 0.5,'BoundType', 'Conditional', 'NumAssets', 3);                    

When working with a Portfolio object, the setMinMaxNumAssets function enables you to set up cardinality constraints for a long-only portfolio. This sets the cardinality constraints for the Portfolio object, where the total number of allocated assets satisfying the nonzero semi-continuous constraints are between MinNumAssets and MaxNumAssets. By setting MinNumAssets = MaxNumAssets = 2, only two of the three assets are invested in the portfolio.

p = setMinMaxNumAssets(p, 2, 2);  

Use estimateMaxSharpeRatio to estimate efficient portfolio to maximize Sharpe ratio.

weights = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(p,'Method','iterative')
weights = 3×1


The estimateMaxSharpeRatio function uses the MINLP solver to solve this problem. Use the setSolverMINLP function to configure the SolverType and options.

ans = struct with fields:
                           MaxIterations: 1000
                    AbsoluteGapTolerance: 1.0000e-07
                    RelativeGapTolerance: 1.0000e-05
                  NonlinearScalingFactor: 1000
                  ObjectiveScalingFactor: 1000
                                 Display: 'off'
                           CutGeneration: 'basic'
                MaxIterationsInactiveCut: 30
                      ActiveCutTolerance: 1.0000e-07
                    IntMainSolverOptions: [1x1 optim.options.Intlinprog]
    NumIterationsEarlyIntegerConvergence: 30
                     ExtendedFormulation: 0
                            NumInnerCuts: 10
                     NumInitialOuterCuts: 10

Input Arguments

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Object for portfolio, specified using a Portfolio object.


The risk-free rate is obtained from the property RiskFreeRate in the Portfolio object. If you leave the RiskFreeRate unset, it is assumed to be 0. If the max return of portfolio is less than the RiskFreeRate, the solution is set as pwgt at max return and the resulting Sharpe ratio will be negative.

For more information on creating a portfolio object, see

Data Types: object

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: [pwgt,pbuy,psell] = estimateMaxSharpeRatio(p,'Method’,'iterative')

Method to estimate Sharpe ratio, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Method' and a character vector with one of the following values:


If you are using estimateMaxSharpeRatio with a Portfolio object with semicontinuous and cardinality constraints specified by setBounds and setMinMaxNumAssets, you can only use the 'iterative' method.

Data Types: char

Since R2022a

Tolerance on the step size for fminbnd convergence when using 'iterative' method, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'TolX' and a positive scalar. The step size is related to the return levels achieved on the efficient frontier and tried by fminbnd. If the specified TolX is large compared to the range of returns, the accuracy of the solution is poor. TolX should be a number smaller than 0.01*(maxReturn - minReturn).


If the 'direct' method is selected, TolX is ignored.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Portfolio on the efficient frontier with a maximum Sharpe ratio, returned as a NumAssets vector.

Purchases relative to an initial portfolio for a portfolio on the efficient frontier with a maximum Sharpe ratio, returned as a NumAssets vector.

pbuy is returned for a Portfolio input object (obj).

Sales relative to an initial portfolio for a portfolio on the efficient frontier with maximum Sharpe ratio, returned as a NumAssets vector.

psell is returned for a Portfolio input object (obj).

More About

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Sharpe Ratio

The Sharpe ratio is the ratio of the difference between the mean of portfolio returns and the risk-free rate divided by the standard deviation of portfolio returns.

The estimateMaxSharpeRatio function maximizes the Sharpe ratio among portfolios on the efficient frontier.


You can also use dot notation to estimate an efficient portfolio that maximizes the Sharpe ratio.

[pwgt,pbuy,psell] = obj.estimateMaxSharpeRatio;


The maximization of the Sharpe ratio is accomplished by either using the 'direct' or 'iterative' method. For the 'direct' method, consider the following scenario. To maximize the Sharpe ratio is to:

MaximizeμTxrfxTCx,s.t.xi=1,  0xi1,

where μ and C are the mean and covariance matrix, and rf is the risk-free rate.

If μT x - rf ≤ 0 for all x the portfolio that maximizes the Sharpe ratio is the one with maximum return.

If μT x - rf > 0, let t=1μTxrf

and y = tx (Cornuejols [1] section 8.2). Then after some substitutions, you can transform the original problem into the following form,

Minimize yTCy, s.t. yi=t, t>0, 0yit , μTyrft=1. 

Only one optimization needs to be solved, hence the name “direct”. The portfolio weights can be recovered by x* = y* / t*.

For the 'iterative' method, the idea is to iteratively explore the portfolios at different return levels on the efficient frontier and locate the one with maximum Sharpe ratio. Therefore, multiple optimization problems are solved during the process, instead of only one in the 'direct' method. Consequently, the 'iterative' method is slow compared to 'direct' method.


[1] Cornuejols, G. and Reha Tütüncü. Optimization Methods in Finance. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Version History

Introduced in R2011b