Simulate multivariate normal asset return scenarios from data
simulates multivariate normal asset return scenarios from data for portfolio
object for obj
= simulateNormalScenariosByData(obj
or PortfolioMAD
objects. For details on the workflows, see PortfolioCVaR Object Workflow,
and PortfolioMAD Object Workflow.
simulates multivariate normal asset return scenarios from data for portfolio
object for obj
= simulateNormalScenariosByData(obj
or PortfolioMAD
objects using additional options specified by one or more
pair arguments.
This function estimates the mean and covariance of asset returns from either
price or return data and then uses these estimates to generate the specified
number of scenarios with the function mvnrnd
Data can be in a NumSamples
matrix of NumSamples
prices or returns at a given periodicity
for a collection of NumAssets
assets, a table
or a timetable
If you want to use the method multiple times and you want to simulate
identical scenarios each time the function is called, precede each
function call with rng
(seed) using a specified integer
Simulate Multivariate Normal Asset Return Scenarios from Data for a PortfolioCVaR Object
Given a PortfolioCVaR object p
, use the simulateNormalScenariosByData
function to simulate multivariate normal asset return scenarios from data.
m = [ 0.05; 0.1; 0.12; 0.18 ]; C = [ 0.0064 0.00408 0.00192 0; 0.00408 0.0289 0.0204 0.0119; 0.00192 0.0204 0.0576 0.0336; 0 0.0119 0.0336 0.1225 ]; m = m/12; C = C/12; RawData = mvnrnd(m, C, 240); NumScenarios = 2000; p = PortfolioCVaR; p = simulateNormalScenariosByData(p, RawData, NumScenarios)
p = PortfolioCVaR with properties: BuyCost: [] SellCost: [] RiskFreeRate: [] ProbabilityLevel: [] Turnover: [] BuyTurnover: [] SellTurnover: [] NumScenarios: 2000 Name: [] NumAssets: 4 AssetList: [] InitPort: [] AInequality: [] bInequality: [] AEquality: [] bEquality: [] LowerBound: [] UpperBound: [] LowerBudget: [] UpperBudget: [] GroupMatrix: [] LowerGroup: [] UpperGroup: [] GroupA: [] GroupB: [] LowerRatio: [] UpperRatio: [] MinNumAssets: [] MaxNumAssets: [] ConditionalBudgetThreshold: [] ConditionalUpperBudget: [] BoundType: []
p = setDefaultConstraints(p); p = setProbabilityLevel(p, 0.9); disp(p);
PortfolioCVaR with properties: BuyCost: [] SellCost: [] RiskFreeRate: [] ProbabilityLevel: 0.9000 Turnover: [] BuyTurnover: [] SellTurnover: [] NumScenarios: 2000 Name: [] NumAssets: 4 AssetList: [] InitPort: [] AInequality: [] bInequality: [] AEquality: [] bEquality: [] LowerBound: [4x1 double] UpperBound: [] LowerBudget: 1 UpperBudget: 1 GroupMatrix: [] LowerGroup: [] UpperGroup: [] GroupA: [] GroupB: [] LowerRatio: [] UpperRatio: [] MinNumAssets: [] MaxNumAssets: [] ConditionalBudgetThreshold: [] ConditionalUpperBudget: [] BoundType: [4x1 categorical]
Simulate Multivariate Normal Asset Return Scenarios from Data for PortfolioCVaR
Object Using Financial Timetable Data
To illustrate using the simulateNormalScenariosByData
function with AssetReturns
data continued in a timetable
object, use the CAPMuniverse.mat
which contains a timetable
object (AssetTimeTable
) for returns data.
load CAPMuniverse;
ans = TimetableProperties with properties: Description: '' UserData: [] DimensionNames: {'Time' 'Variables'} VariableNames: {'AAPL' 'AMZN' 'CSCO' 'DELL' 'EBAY' 'GOOG' 'HPQ' 'IBM' 'INTC' 'MSFT' 'ORCL' 'YHOO' 'MARKET' 'CASH'} VariableTypes: ["double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double" "double"] VariableDescriptions: {} VariableUnits: {} VariableContinuity: [] RowTimes: [1471x1 datetime] StartTime: 03-Jan-2000 SampleRate: NaN TimeStep: NaN Events: [] CustomProperties: No custom properties are set. Use addprop and rmprop to modify CustomProperties.
Time AAPL AMZN CSCO DELL EBAY GOOG HPQ IBM INTC MSFT ORCL YHOO MARKET CASH ___________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ 03-Jan-2000 0.088805 0.1742 0.008775 -0.002353 0.12829 NaN 0.03244 0.075368 0.05698 -0.001627 0.054078 0.097784 -0.012143 0.00020522 04-Jan-2000 -0.084331 -0.08324 -0.05608 -0.08353 -0.093805 NaN -0.075613 -0.033966 -0.046667 -0.033802 -0.0883 -0.067368 -0.03166 0.00020339 05-Jan-2000 0.014634 -0.14877 -0.003039 0.070984 0.066875 NaN -0.006356 0.03516 0.008199 0.010567 -0.052837 -0.073363 0.011443 0.00020376 06-Jan-2000 -0.086538 -0.060072 -0.016619 -0.038847 -0.012302 NaN -0.063688 -0.017241 -0.05824 -0.033477 -0.058824 -0.10307 0.011743 0.00020266 07-Jan-2000 0.047368 0.061013 0.0587 -0.037708 -0.000964 NaN 0.028416 -0.004386 0.04127 0.013091 0.076771 0.10609 0.02393 0.00020157
Notice that GOOG has missing data (NaN
) because it was not listed before Aug 2004. The simulateNormalScenariosByData
function has a name-value pair argument 'MissingData'
that indicates with a Boolean value whether to use the missing data capabilities of Financial Toolbox™ software. The default value for 'MissingData'
is false
which removes all samples with NaN
values. If, however, 'MissingData'
is set to true
, the estimateAssetMoments
function uses the ECM algorithm to estimate asset moments. The simulateNormalScenariosByData
function also accepts a name-value pair argument 'DataFormat'
with a corresponding value set to 'prices'
to indicate that the input to the function is in the form of asset prices and not returns (the default value for the 'DataFormat'
argument is 'returns'
NumScenarios = 100; r = PortfolioCVaR; r = simulateNormalScenariosByData(r,AssetsTimeTable,NumScenarios,'DataFormat','Returns','MissingData',true);
In addition, simulateNormalScenariosByData
extracts asset names or identifiers from a timetable
object when the name-value argument 'GetAssetList'
is set to true
(its default value is false
). If the 'GetAssetList'
value is true
, the timetable column identifiers are used to set the AssetList
property of the PortfolioCVaR
object. To show this, the formation of the PortfolioCVaR
object r
is repeated with the 'GetAssetList'
flag set to true.
r = simulateNormalScenariosByData(r,AssetsTimeTable,NumScenarios,'GetAssetList',true);
{'AAPL'} {'AMZN'} {'CSCO'} {'DELL'} {'EBAY'} {'GOOG'} {'HPQ'} {'IBM'} {'INTC'} {'MSFT'} {'ORCL'} {'YHOO'} {'MARKET'} {'CASH'}
Estimate Mean and Covariance of Asset Returns from Market Data for a PortfolioCVaR Object
Create a PortfolioCVaR object p
and use the simulateNormalScenariosByData
function with market data loaded from CAPMuniverse.mat
to simulate multivariate normal asset return scenarios. The market data, AssetsTimeTable
, is a timetable
of asset returns.
load CAPMuniverse p = PortfolioCVaR('AssetList',Assets); disp(p);
PortfolioCVaR with properties: BuyCost: [] SellCost: [] RiskFreeRate: [] ProbabilityLevel: [] Turnover: [] BuyTurnover: [] SellTurnover: [] NumScenarios: [] Name: [] NumAssets: 14 AssetList: {'AAPL' 'AMZN' 'CSCO' 'DELL' 'EBAY' 'GOOG' 'HPQ' 'IBM' 'INTC' 'MSFT' 'ORCL' 'YHOO' 'MARKET' 'CASH'} InitPort: [] AInequality: [] bInequality: [] AEquality: [] bEquality: [] LowerBound: [] UpperBound: [] LowerBudget: [] UpperBudget: [] GroupMatrix: [] LowerGroup: [] UpperGroup: [] GroupA: [] GroupB: [] LowerRatio: [] UpperRatio: [] MinNumAssets: [] MaxNumAssets: [] ConditionalBudgetThreshold: [] ConditionalUpperBudget: [] BoundType: []
Simulate the scenarios from the timetable data for each of the assets from CAPMuniverse.mat
and plot the efficient frontier.
p = simulateNormalScenariosByData(p,AssetsTimeTable,10000,'missingdata',true);
p = setDefaultConstraints(p);
p = setProbabilityLevel(p, 0.9);
Estimate Mean and Covariance of Asset Returns from Data for a PortfolioMAD Object
Given a PortfolioMAD object p
, use the simulateNormalScenariosByData
function to simulate multivariate normal asset return scenarios from data.
m = [ 0.05; 0.1; 0.12; 0.18 ]; C = [ 0.0064 0.00408 0.00192 0; 0.00408 0.0289 0.0204 0.0119; 0.00192 0.0204 0.0576 0.0336; 0 0.0119 0.0336 0.1225 ]; m = m/12; C = C/12; RawData = mvnrnd(m, C, 240); NumScenarios = 2000; p = PortfolioMAD; p = simulateNormalScenariosByData(p, RawData, NumScenarios); p = setDefaultConstraints(p); disp(p);
PortfolioMAD with properties: BuyCost: [] SellCost: [] RiskFreeRate: [] Turnover: [] BuyTurnover: [] SellTurnover: [] NumScenarios: 2000 Name: [] NumAssets: 4 AssetList: [] InitPort: [] AInequality: [] bInequality: [] AEquality: [] bEquality: [] LowerBound: [4x1 double] UpperBound: [] LowerBudget: 1 UpperBudget: 1 GroupMatrix: [] LowerGroup: [] UpperGroup: [] GroupA: [] GroupB: [] LowerRatio: [] UpperRatio: [] MinNumAssets: [] MaxNumAssets: [] ConditionalBudgetThreshold: [] ConditionalUpperBudget: [] BoundType: [4x1 categorical]
Estimate Mean and Covariance of Asset Returns from Market Data for a PortfolioMAD Object
Create a PortfolioMAD object p
and use the simulateNormalScenariosByData
function with market data loaded from CAPMuniverse.mat
to simulate multivariate normal asset return scenarios. The market data, AssetsTimeTable
, is a timetable
of asset returns.
load CAPMuniverse p = PortfolioMAD('AssetList',Assets); disp(p.AssetList');
{'AAPL' } {'AMZN' } {'CSCO' } {'DELL' } {'EBAY' } {'GOOG' } {'HPQ' } {'IBM' } {'INTC' } {'MSFT' } {'ORCL' } {'YHOO' } {'MARKET'} {'CASH' }
Simulate the scenarios from the timetable data for each of the assets from CAPMuniverse.mat
and plot the efficient frontier.
p = simulateNormalScenariosByData(p,AssetsTimeTable,10000,'missingdata',true);
p = setDefaultConstraints(p);
Input Arguments
— Object for portfolio
Object for portfolio, specified using a PortfolioCVaR
or PortfolioMAD
For more information on creating a PortfolioCVaR
object, see
Data Types: object
— Asset data that can be converted into asset returns
matrix | table | timetable
Asset data that can be converted into asset returns
matrix), specified as a matrix, table
, or timetable
data can be:
matrix.Table of
prices or returns at a given periodicity for a collection ofNumAssets
assetsTimetable object with
observations andNumAssets
time series
Data Types: double
| table
| timetable
— Number of scenarios to simulate
positive integer
Number of scenarios to simulate, specified as a positive integer.
Data Types: double
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: p =
— Flag to convert input data as prices into returns
(default) | character vector with values 'Returns'
or 'Prices'
Flag to convert input data as prices into returns, specified as the
comma-separated pair consisting of 'DataFormat'
and a
character vector with the values:
— Data inAssetReturns
contains asset total returns.'Prices'
— Data inAssetReturns
contains asset total return prices.
Data Types: char
— Flag to use ECM algorithm to handle NaN
(default) | logical with values true
Flag to use ECM algorithm to handle NaN
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a logical with a value of
or false
— Do not use ECM algorithm to handleNaN
values (excludeNaN
— Use ECM algorithm to handleNaN
Data Types: logical
— Flag indicating which asset names to use for the asset list
(default) | logical with values true
or false
Flag indicating which asset names to use for the asset list, specified
as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a logical with a value of
or false
— Do not extract or create asset names.true
— Extract or create asset names from the table or timetable.
If a table
or timetable
is passed into
this function using the AssetReturns
argument and
the GetAssetList
flag is true
, the
column names from the table
or timetable
are used as
asset names in obj.AssetList
If a matrix is passed and the GetAssetList
flag is
, default asset names are created based on
the AbstractPortfolio
, which is
If the GetAssetList
flag is
, no action occurs, which is the default
Data Types: logical
Output Arguments
— Updated portfolio object
object for portfolio
Updated portfolio object, returned as a PortfolioCVaR
or PortfolioMAD
object. For more information on creating
a portfolio object, see
You can also use dot notation to simulate multivariate normal asset return scenarios from data for a PortfolioCVaR or PortfolioMAD object.
obj = obj.simulateNormalScenariosByData(AssetReturns,NumScenarios,Name,Value);
Version History
Introduced in R2012bR2023a: fints
support for AssetReturns
argument removed
The AssetReturns
argument no longer supports a
object as a datatype.
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